
It seems nobody took up the correction of the package.

So in the mean time, if you want to correct things in order for it to
work, here's what you may need to do.

apt-cache source eagle-usb-utils

In eagle-usb-1.9.9/utils/scripts/ you will find :

 usb.usermap that needs to be put into /etc/hotplug/

 eu_dsp that needs to be added into /etc/hotplug/usb as eagle-usb

Hope this works... since I didn't do much testing.

Best regards,

P.S.: btw, if someone could correct the package using the patch
provided in the previous message... well, that would be great ;)
Olivier BERGER (OpenPGP: 1024D/B4C5F37F)
APRIL (http://www.april.org) - Vive python (http://www.python.org)
Pétition contre les brevets logiciels : http://petition.eurolinux.org

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