On 31 Jan 2005 at 9:01, Loïc Minier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Sadly, this is a known bug in the underlying Mozilla part which is
>  doing the effective download.  There are a bunch of bugs concerning
>  this problematic behavior, for example #163905, #197085, #149104,
>  #123129, #145521...

Thanks for the patient reportage of that bug info, but looking up
those bugs inspires a rant.

The oldest bug report is from 2002.  Why hasn't such a BASIC easy
to fix bug been fixed in THREE YEARS?

I see in Galeon's TODO file items like "User stylesheets".  Very
nice but are such things that important?  Why are people trying to
ADD dubious new features, (and advertise 'em), when they can't
SPARE THE TIME to fix a standard feature that's generally useful?

"Try our wonderful new browser with the GREAT NEW FEATURES.  The
old features don't work so we're a little ashamed, but we are PROUD
of the NEW ONES."


OK, enough cursing the darkness, yes I'll go quietly officer...

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