On Sun, 18 Mar 2012 12:46:37 +0000
Juha Jäykkä <ju...@iki.fi> wrote:

> Correction: I am currently using sssd 1.6.2 from 
> https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/ but some dependencies are from oneiric, namely:
> libcollection, libdhash, libini-config, their -dev's and their dependencies 
> (which are libpath-utils and libref-array, at least on my system).

Downloading the 1.8.1 source package from Ubuntu and trying to install
the build-deps on Debian sid leads to:

E: Unable to locate package libdhash-dev
E: Unable to locate package libcollection-dev
E: Unable to locate package libini-config-dev

At least one of those appears to come from this package:

... but that doesn't exist in Debian, there's no ITP bug I can find
at wnpp and nothing on snapshot.debian.org.


There is packaging for an unreleased sssd 1.5.16-1 in the current Debian
packaging VCS for sssd.


However, that also adds libdhash-dev, libcollection-dev and
libini-config-dev as build-deps.


> Also, when building 1.6.2, I use the debian/ from Debian sssd/1.2.1-4.3 
> because the Ubuntu debian/ includes dependencies on upstart which I do not 
> use.

More work for whoever ends up maintaining it. This is about as far as
I'm willing to take this exercise. The only thing I'm likely to do
about sssd now is to seek removal if this bug isn't fixed.

> I do not think there is any reason not to use 1.8.1, but 1.6.2 *WORKS* and it 
> was the newest when I encountered and worked around this bug.

1.8.1 will need to be supported eventually, there is no point doing the
work for 1.6.2 in a way that prevents 1.8.1 ever being possible. To do
so would be very short sighted.

Ubuntu doesn't have 1.6.2, the previous release is 1.5.13 in Oneiric.

1.5.13 also requires the same missing packages to build:
libdhash-dev libcollection-dev libini-config-dev

It looks like any working version of sssd is not going to be buildable
in Debian without also introducing a new package. Only a maintainer is
going to be able to do that.

TBH I think sssd users are going to have to get used to not having sssd
available in Debian and will need to migrate to something else. There
is a lot of work to be done before sssd is likely to work again in
Debian. This bug has already been open for 8 months without anyone
actually providing a workable solution, likely due to a lack of
interest in sssd in the long term.

If nobody cares enough to do the work, sssd will have to be removed.

Please drop me from CC now, I've done what I can. The rest is down to
those who have a reason to work on sssd. I don't.


Neil Williams

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