Package: win32-loader
Severity: wishlist
Tags: l10n patch

Tomislav Krznar
# Copyright (C) 2008 Josip Rodin
# This file is distributed under the same license as the win32-loader package.
# Josip Rodin <>, 2008.
# Tomislav Krznar <>, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: win32-loader\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-27 13:40+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-22 02:45+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Tomislav Krznar <>\n"
"Language-Team: Hrvatski <>\n"
"Language: hr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n"

#. translate:
#. This must be a valid string recognised by Nsis.  If your
#. language is not yet supported by Nsis, please translate the
#. missing Nsis part first.
#: win32-loader.c:39

#. translate:
#. This must be the string used by GNU iconv to represent the charset used
#. by Windows for your language.  If you don't know, check
#. [wine]/tools/wmc/lang.c, or
#. IMPORTANT: In the rest of this file, only the subset of UTF-8 that can be
#. converted to this charset should be used.
msgid "windows-1252"
msgstr "windows-1250"

#. translate:
#. Charset used by NTLDR in your localised version of Windows XP.  If you
#. don't know, maybe helps.
msgid "cp437"
msgstr "cp852"

#. translate:
#. The name of your language _in English_ (must be restricted to ascii)
msgid "English"
msgstr "Croatian"

#. translate:
#. IMPORTANT: only the subset of UTF-8 that can be converted to NTLDR charset
#. (e.g. cp437) should be used in this string.  If you don't know which charset
#. applies, limit yourself to ascii. $target_distro; will be "Debian" and $kernel_name;
#. will be either "GNU/Linux", "GNU/kFreeBSD" or "GNU/Hurd" (in ASCII)
#, sh-format
msgid "$target_distro $kernel_name - Continue with install process"
msgstr "$target_distro $kernel_name - Nastavi s instalacijskim procesom"

#. translate:
#. IMPORTANT: only the subset of UTF-8 that can be converted to NTLDR charset
#. (e.g. cp437) should be used in this string.  If you don't know which charset
#. applies, limit yourself to ascii.
msgid "PXE - Network boot"
msgstr "PXE - Učitavanje s mreže"

#. translate:
#. The nlf file for your language should be found in
#. /usr/share/nsis/Contrib/Language files/
#: win32-loader.c:68
msgid "English.nlf"
msgstr "Croatian.nlf"

#. translate:
#. This is the program name, that appears in the installer windows captions and in the Windows Uninstaller dialog.
#. Ampersands (&) are _forbidden_ in that string.
#: win32-loader.c:75
msgid "Debian-Installer loader"
msgstr "Debian-Installer loader"

#: win32-loader.c:76
msgid "Cannot find win32-loader.ini."
msgstr "Ne mogu naći win32-loader.ini."

#: win32-loader.c:77
msgid "win32-loader.ini is incomplete.  Contact the provider of this medium."
msgstr "win32-loader.ini je nepotpun. Kontaktirajte dobavljača ovog medija."

#: win32-loader.c:78
msgid ""
"This program has detected that your keyboard type is \"$0\".  Is this "
msgstr ""
"Ovaj program je otkrio da je vrsta vaše tipkovnice \"$0\". Je li to točno?"

#: win32-loader.c:79
msgid ""
"Please send a bug report with the following information:\n"
" - Version of Windows.\n"
" - Country settings.\n"
" - Real keyboard type.\n"
" - Detected keyboard type.\n"
"Thank you."
msgstr ""
"Molim pošaljite bug izvještaj sa sljedećim informacijama:\n"
" - Inačica Windowsa.\n"
" - Postavke zemlje.\n"
" - Prava vrsta tipkovnice.\n"
" - Otkrivena vrsta tipkovnice.\n"
"Hvala vam."

#: win32-loader.c:80
msgid ""
"There doesn't seem to be enough free disk space in drive $c.  For a complete "
"desktop install, it is recommended to have at least 3 GB.  If there is "
"already a separate disk or partition for this install, or if you plan to "
"replace Windows completely, you can safely ignore this warning."
msgstr ""
"Izgleda da nema dovoljno slobodnog diskovnog prostora na uređaju $c. Za "
"potpunu desktop instalaciju, preporučuje se imati barem 3 GB. Ako već "
"postoji odvojeni disk ili particija za ovu instalaciju, ili ako planirate "
"sasvim zamijeniti Windows, slobodno ignorirajte ovo upozorenje."

#: win32-loader.c:81
msgid "Error: not enough free disk space.  Aborting install."
msgstr ""
"Greška: nedovoljno slobodnog mjesta na disku. Odustajem od instalacije."

#: win32-loader.c:82
msgid "This program doesn't support Windows $windows_version yet."
msgstr "Ovaj program još ne podržava Windows $windows_version."

#: win32-loader.c:83
msgid ""
"The system version you're trying to install is designed to run on modern, 64-"
"bit computers.  However, your computer is incapable of running 64-bit "
"Use the 32-bit (\"i386\") version, or the Multi-arch version which is able "
"to install either of them.\n"
"This installer will abort now."
msgstr ""
"Inačica sustava koju pokušavate instalirati je namijenjena radu na modernim, "
"64-bitnim računalima. Vaše računalo nije u mogućnosti izvršavati 64-bitne "
"Koristite 32-bitnu (\"i386\") inačicu, ili tzv. multi-arch inačicu koja može "
"instalirati bilo koju od ove dvije.\n"
"Ova instalacija će se sada prekinuti."

#: win32-loader.c:84
msgid ""
"Your computer is capable of running modern, 64-bit operating systems.  "
"However, the system version you're trying to install is designed to run on "
"older, 32-bit hardware.\n"
"You may still proceed with this install, but in order to take the most "
"advantage of your computer, we recommend that you use the 64-bit (\"amd64\") "
"version instead, or the Multi-arch version which is able to install either "
"of them.\n"
"Would you like to abort now?"
msgstr ""
"Vaše računalo je u mogućnosti izvršavati moderne, 64-bitne operacijske "
"sustave. Inačica sustava koju pokušavate instalirati je namijenjena radu na "
"starijem, 32-bitnom sklopovlju.\n"
"Možete nastaviti s instalacijom, ali za najbolje iskorištavanje mogućnosti "
"vašeg računala preporučujemo korištenje 64-bitne (\"amd64\") inačice "
"sustava, ili tzv. multi-arch inačice koja može instalirati bilo koju od ove "
"Želite li sada prekinuti instalaciju?"

#. translate:
#. "system partition" and "boot partition" are defined by Microsoft to mean the opposite of what a
#. normal person would expect they mean, so please keep the quotes, and translate them as literally
#. as possible.  Also, I suggest you use the same term used in
#. if that is available for your language.
#: win32-loader.c:92
msgid ""
"Unable to find \"system partition\", assuming it is the same as the \"boot "
"partition\" ($c)."
msgstr ""
"Nemoguće pronaći \"system partition\", pretpostavljamo da je ista kao \"boot "
"partition\" ($c)."

#: win32-loader.c:93 win32-loader.c:104
msgid "Select install mode:"
msgstr "Odaberite način instalacije:"

#: win32-loader.c:94
msgid "Normal mode.  Recommended for most users."
msgstr "Normalan način. Preporučuje se većini korisnika."

#: win32-loader.c:95
msgid ""
"Expert mode.  Recommended for expert users who want full control of the "
"install process."
msgstr ""
"Stručni način. Preporučuje se naprednim korisnicima koji žele punu kontrolu "
"nad postupkom instalacije."

#: win32-loader.c:96
msgid "PXE mode: install a PXE loader to allow remote kernel loading."
msgstr "PXE način: instalira PXE program za udaljeno učitavanje jezgre."

#: win32-loader.c:97
msgid "Select action:"
msgstr "Odaberite akciju:"

#: win32-loader.c:98
msgid "Begin install on this computer."
msgstr "Početak instaliranja na ovo računalo."

#: win32-loader.c:99
msgid "Repair an installed system (rescue mode)."
msgstr "Popravak postojećeg sustava (spasonosni način)."

#: win32-loader.c:100
msgid "Select the kernel:"
msgstr "Odaberite jezgru (kernel):"

#: win32-loader.c:101
msgid "GNU/Linux"
msgstr "GNU/Linux"

#: win32-loader.c:102
msgid "GNU/kFreeBSD"
msgstr "GNU/kFreeBSD"

#: win32-loader.c:103
msgid "GNU/Hurd"
msgstr "GNU/Hurd"

#: win32-loader.c:105
msgid "Graphical install"
msgstr "Grafička instalacija"

#: win32-loader.c:106
msgid "Text install"
msgstr "Tekstualna instalacija"

#: win32-loader.c:107
#, c-format
msgid "Downloading %s"
msgstr "Prenosim %s"

#: win32-loader.c:108
msgid "Connecting ..."
msgstr "Spajanje ..."

#: win32-loader.c:109
msgid "second"
msgstr "sekundi"

#: win32-loader.c:110
msgid "minute"
msgstr "minuta"

#: win32-loader.c:111
msgid "hour"
msgstr "sati"

#. translate:
#. This string is appended to "second", "minute" or "hour" to make plurals.
#. I know it's quite unfortunate.  An alternate method for translating NSISdl
#. has been proposed [1] but in the meantime we'll have to cope with this.
#. [1]
#: win32-loader.c:119
msgid "s"
msgstr " "

#: win32-loader.c:120
#, c-format
msgid "%dkB (%d%%) of %dkB at %d.%01dkB/s"
msgstr "%dkB (%d%%) od %dkB pri %d.%01dkB/s"

#: win32-loader.c:121
#, c-format
msgid " (%d %s%s remaining)"
msgstr " (preostaje %d %s%s)"

#: win32-loader.c:122
msgid "Select which version of Debian-Installer to use:"
msgstr "Odaberite inačicu Debian-Instalera:"

#: win32-loader.c:123
msgid "Stable release.  This will install Debian \"stable\"."
msgstr "Stabilno izdanje. Ovo će instalirati Debian \"stable\"."

#: win32-loader.c:124
msgid ""
"Daily build.  This is the development version of Debian-Installer.  It will "
"install Debian \"testing\" by default, and may be capable of installing "
"\"stable\" or \"unstable\" as well."
msgstr ""
"Dnevna izrada. Ovo je razvojna inačica Debian-Instalera. Instalirat će "
"Debian \"testing\", a postoji mogućnost instalacije i \"stable\" ili "

#. translate:
#. You might want to mention that so-called "known issues" page is only available in English.
#: win32-loader.c:129
msgid ""
"It is recommended that you check for known issues before using a daily "
"build.  Would you like to do that now?"
msgstr ""
"Preporučuje se provjeriti poznate probleme prije korištenja dnevno izrađene "
"verzije. Želite li to sada napraviti? Informacije o poznatim problemima su "
"na engleskom jeziku."

#: win32-loader.c:130
msgid "Desktop environment:"
msgstr "Desktop okruženje:"

#: win32-loader.c:131
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nijedno"

#: win32-loader.c:132
msgid ""
"The following parameters will be used.  Do NOT change any of these unless "
"you know what you're doing."
msgstr ""
"Primijenit će se sljedeći parametri. Ako ne znate što radite, NEMOJTE "
"mijenjati nijedan od njih."

#: win32-loader.c:133
msgid "Proxy settings (host:port):"
msgstr "Proxy postavke (host:port):"

#: win32-loader.c:134
msgid "Location of boot.ini:"
msgstr "Lokacija boot.ini:"

#: win32-loader.c:135
msgid "Base URL for netboot images (linux and initrd.gz):"
msgstr "Osnovni URL za netboot snimke (linux i initrd.gz):"

#: win32-loader.c:136
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Greška"

#: win32-loader.c:137
msgid "Error: failed to copy $0 to $1."
msgstr "Greška: neuspjelo kopiranje $0 u $1."

#. translate:
#. $0 will be "Release" (it is a filename).
#: win32-loader.c:142
msgid "Checking GPG signature on $0."
msgstr "Provjerava se GPG potpis datoteke $0."

#. translate:
#. $0 will be "Release" (it is a filename).
#: win32-loader.c:147
msgid "The downloaded $0 file cannot be trusted! Aborting."
msgstr ""
"Preuzetoj datoteci $0 ne može se vjerovati! Instalacija će se prekinuti."

#. translate:
#. This appears in a MessageBox when the md5 checksum verification failed. $0 is a url; $2 is the filename $1 is the
#. computed checksum and $4 is the expected one.
#: win32-loader.c:153
msgid "Checksum mismatch for $0/$2. Got $1 when expecting $4. Aborting."
msgstr ""
"Provjera kontrolne sume neuspješna za $0/$2. Očekivani rezultat je $4, a "
"dobiven je $1. Instalacija će se prekinuti."

#. translate:
#. $2 is a filename
#: win32-loader.c:158
msgid "Computing checksum for $2"
msgstr "Računa se kontrolna suma datoteke $2"

#: win32-loader.c:159
msgid "Generating $0"
msgstr "Stvara se $0"

#: win32-loader.c:160
msgid "Appending preseeding information to $0"
msgstr "Dodaje se \"preseeding\" informacija u $0"

#: win32-loader.c:161
msgid "Error: unable to run $0."
msgstr "Greška: nemoguće pokrenuti $0."

#: win32-loader.c:162
msgid "Disabling NTFS compression in bootstrap files"
msgstr "Onemogućuje se NTFS kompresija u bootstrap datotekama"

#: win32-loader.c:163
msgid "Registering in NTLDR"
msgstr "Registracija u NTLDR"

#: win32-loader.c:164
msgid "Registering in BootMgr"
msgstr "Registracija u BootMgr"

#: win32-loader.c:165
msgid "Error: failed to parse bcdedit.exe output."
msgstr "Greška: neuspjelo očitavanje izlaza bcdedit.exe."

#: win32-loader.c:166
msgid "Error: $0 not found.  Is this really Windows $windows_version?"
msgstr "Greška: $0 nije pronađen. Je li ovo doista Windows $windows_version?"

#: win32-loader.c:167

#. translate:
#. The following two strings are mutualy exclusive.  win32-loader
#. will display one or the other depending on version of Windows.
#. Take into account that either option has to make sense in our
#. current context (i.e. be careful when using pronouns, etc).
#: win32-loader.c:175
msgid ""
"The second stage of this install process will now be started.  After your "
"confirmation, this program will restart Windows in DOS mode, and "
"automatically load the next part of the install process.\\n\\n"
msgstr ""
"Sada započinje druga etapa ovog postupka instalacije. Nakon vaše potvrde, "
"ovaj program će ponovo pokrenuti Windows u DOS modu, i automatski učitati "
"sljedeći dio instalacijskog procesa.\\n\\n"

#: win32-loader.c:176
msgid ""
"You need to reboot in order to proceed with the install process.  During "
"your next boot, you will be asked whether you want to start Windows or "
"continue with the install process.\\n\\n"
msgstr ""
"Morate ponovo pokrenuti računalo kako bi nastavili s instalacijskim "
"procesom. Tijekom sljedećeg pokretanja sustava, bit ćete upitani želite li "
"pokrenuti Windows ili nastaviti s postupkom instalacije.\\n\\n"

#: win32-loader.c:177
msgid ""
"During the install process, you will be offered the possibility of either "
"reducing your Windows partition or completely replacing it.  In both cases, "
"it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you have previously made a backup of your "
"data.  The authors of this software will NOT take ANY RESPONSIBILITY in the "
"event of data loss.\\n\\nOnce your install is complete (and if you have "
"chosen to keep Windows in your disk), you can uninstall this loader through "
"the Windows Add/Remove Programs dialog in Control Panel."
msgstr ""
"Tijekom postupka instalacije, bit će vam ponuđena mogućnost da ili smanjite "
"vašu Windows particiju, ili da je sasvim zamijenite. U oba slučaja, TOPLO SE "
"PREPORUČUJE da se prethodno napravi rezervna kopija (backup) svih vaših "
"podataka. Autori ovog programa ne mogu preuzeti NIKAKVU ODGOVORNOST za "
"slučaj gubitka podataka.\\n\\nJednom kad se dovrši instalacija, a odabrali "
"ste zadržati Windows na svom disku, možete deinstalirati ovaj program za "
"učitavanje instalera koristeći Windows Add/Remove Programs okvir u Control "
"Panelu / Kontrolnoj ploči."

#: win32-loader.c:178
msgid "Do you want to reboot now?"
msgstr "Želite li sada ponovo pokrenuti sustav?"

#~ msgid "Debian Installer"
#~ msgstr "Debian Instaler"

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