* Axel Beckert [Thu Mar 22, 2012 at 11:27:54AM +0100]:
> Frank Terbeck wrote:
> > Martin Steigerwald wrote:


> > > mango% compinit
> > > mango% cd In
> > > No reaction on tab anymore.


> I ran into this too, after I bumped my zshrc to the newest grml zshrc
> on Debian Stable with NFS home and about 5000 users in NIS. So I'm not
> sure if it has the same reason, but it definitely has the same
> symptoms.

> I'd say 5 to 10 minutes or so. Ctrl-C doesn't help. Just waiting. The
> zsh process is in the "uninterruptable sleep" state (aka "D" aka "disk
> waiting").

> It doesn't seem to happen with all kinds of completion but at least
> with scp completion.

Might be worth trying a debug session as documented in


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