Hello Kurt,

Am Saturday, 24. March 2012, 12:39:03 schrieb Kurt Roeckx:
> And forcing an SSL3 or TLS1 connection using s_client also works.
Can I configure this somehow to be the default for all applications
using libssl?

> On the other hand "gnutls-cli sourceforge.net" does work as
> expected.
Yes, there are some gnutls alternatives. Unfortunately the Perl and
Python https libraries are using libssl. In fact that is when I first
noticed the bug: my custom python script could not login to Sourceforge

> So I think someone at sourceforge will have to take a look at this.
This upstream bug seems to be the same problem:
Unfortunately the developer does not seem to see that as a regression :-/

I guess the best choice for me right now is to keep using v1.0.0h.


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