[Please do not use -quiet. Firebird is group-maintained]

Daniel wrote:
>> Is there a chance that you're trying to start the server second time?
> no
>> Can you reproduce this bug with version 1.5.2-7 from unstable?
> yes any time

Well, I can't, so I need more even more information.

Is this a new install without previous firebird packages installed? Or is it
upgrade? From which versions? Maybe you are attempting to move from
firebird2-classic-server to firebird2-super-server and there are open
connections to port 3050 left over?

what is the exact apt-get transcript?

Damyan Ivanov          0x9725F63B          Creditreform Bulgaria
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.creditreform.bg/
phone: +359(2)928-2611, 929-3993            fax: +359(2)920-0994
mob. +359(88)856-6067  ICQ 3028500  [EMAIL PROTECTED]/Gaim

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