
I don't have emesene but it seems that this bug affects Kmess too (as you
can see on this forum :
https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1075949#p1075949 ) : Kmess
disconnects after few seconds (more or less 1 minute after connection).
This has began with libssl1.0.0 v.1.0.1-2 and it continues with the new
version 1.0.1-4

when it crashes, Kmess says :
kmess(8815) MsnNotificationConnection::slotError: MSN Notification
Connection error type 16 : "Pas de réponse du service web"
last part can be translated : "No answer from the web service"

strangely, during the minute of connection, I'm able to discuss with my
contacts. Kopete isn't affected by this bug.

As Kmess don't allow expert configurations of connection, I suppose that I
use default port and server for the connection... If it can help, I give
you the logs of a whole session below. If you want some more informations,
don't hesitate to contact me.

thank you for your work ;)

0,000> CRITICAL: kmess(8815)/kdeui (kdelibs): Attempt to use QAction
"status" with KXMLGUIFactory!
0,019> WARNING: QObject::connect: Incompatible sender/receiver arguments
        ChatMaster::addContact(QString) -->
0,037> CRITICAL: kmess(8815)/kdeui (Wallet): The kwalletd service has been
0,037> CRITICAL: kmess(8815)/kdeui (Wallet): The kwalletd service has been
0,037> CRITICAL: kmess(8815)/kdeui (Wallet): The kwalletd service has been
0,037> CRITICAL: kmess(8815)/kdeui (Wallet): The kwalletd service has been
0,038> CRITICAL: kmess(8815)/kdeui (Wallet): The kwalletd service has been
0,038> CRITICAL: kmess(8815)/kdeui (Wallet): The kwalletd service has been
11,636> kmess(8815) RoamingService::updateDisplayPicture: Missing
profileResourceId, not updating display picture
19,552> kmess(8815) AddressBookService::parseAddressBook: Skipped '
messen...@microsoft.com' contact!
19,553> kmess(8815) AddressBookService::parseAddressBook: Skipped '
messen...@microsoft.com' contact!
19,553> kmess(8815) AddressBookService::parseAddressBook: Skipped '
messen...@microsoft.com' contact!
19,553> kmess(8815) AddressBookService::parseAddressBook: Skipped '
messen...@microsoft.com' contact!
19,555> kmess(8815) AddressBookService::parseAddressBook: Skipped '
messen...@microsoft.com' contact!
19,555> kmess(8815) AddressBookService::parseAddressBook: Skipped '
messen...@microsoft.com' contact!
19,558> kmess(8815) AddressBookService::parseAddressBook: Skipped '
messen...@microsoft.com' contact!
19,811> kmess(8815) RoamingService::updateProfile: Missing
profileResourceId, not updating profile
19,811> kmess(8815) RoamingService::updateProfile: Missing
profileResourceId, not updating profile
79,572> kmess(8815) MsnNotificationConnection::slotError: MSN Notification
Connection error type 16 : "Pas de réponse du service web"

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