Hi James,

James Robertson <j...@mesrobertson.com> (03/04/2012):
> Dear Maintainer,
> I am getting garbled fonts mostly noticable in Iceweasel when using the
> radeon/ati driver - I tried vesa and it was fine.
> Please see this link as an example of what it looks like:
> http://ompldr.org/vZDhxcw
> When I mouse over various areas of the focused application these
> "corruptions" change their shape and location, it does not happen when
> moving the mouse outside of the application in question.  It only
> affects fonts or text input boxes (so far anyway).
> After various research and testing such as regenerating the fonts cache,
> purging the radeon packages, turning KMS off etc. I added the following
> config file that I found on the Arch Wiki.
> > cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-radeon.conf
> Section "Device"
>     Identifier "Radeon"
>     Driver "radeon"
>     Option "EXAPixmaps" "off"
> EndSection
> This has resolved the issue and I no longer get this text corruption.

thanks for your investigation. It's apparently the following upstream
bug (server bug in EXA):

If you want to test the patch in comment#47, see comment#48:


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