On Thu, Mar 01, 2012 at 03:09:14PM -0500, Jeffrey Sheinberg wrote:
>     Plain file /var/lib/shorewall/.restart had permission 700, changed it to 
> 740
>     Plain file /var/lib/shorewall/nat had permission 600, changed it to 640
>     Plain file /var/lib/shorewall/.start had permission 700, changed it to 740
>     Plain file /var/lib/shorewall/proxyarp had permission 600, changed it to 
> 640
>     Plain file /var/lib/shorewall6/proxyndp had permission 600, changed it to 
> 640
>     Plain file /var/lib/shorewall6/.start had permission 700, changed i t to 
> 740

Those files are created or re-created each time that Shorewall runs.  
Perhaps you can achieve your objective by setting the permissions you 
want on the directory /var/lib/shorewall and /var/lib/shorewall6.  
Another possibility would be to adjust the umask of the shell or script
from which you run Shorewall.  One other possibility would be to submit
a patch upstream that allows the admin to specify the desired 
permissions in Shorewall's configuration and then it can set its own 
umask appropriately.



P.S. My apologies for the delay in responding.  I somehow overlooked
that this bug had even been filed and only noticed it last night.

Roberto C. Sánchez

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