I am forwarding this discussion in the BTS 

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On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 04:56:10PM +0100, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> I am currently setting up cryptsetup for one of our customers. I use it to 
> encrypt the contents of the home directory. It works fairly fine but I have 
> one problem with it:
> There is no visual feedback when the user enters the wrong passwort. It will 
> try to mount the home partition but fail. This gives lots of funny error 
> messages when trying to log into KDE then. 
> I would like to avoid this and have the user type in the password again when 
> it is incorrect. As far as I understand your patch is for providing such 
> functionality. 

exactly : you apply the patch, and then
 you need to add the option 'check' in /etc/crypttab

moreover , by adding the option  retry=1000 you can stop the boot until 
the user enters the correct password 
> I read through the diffs but still have some question. What would be the 
> requirements on the program to check the validity of a filesystem? 

the requirement is : the program's return value must be true when
the filesystem is correctly accessible. Here is what I mean by:
consider the shell code
if /sbin/e2label $device ; then
 echo ok the device $device is accessible : boot will continue
 echo no i failed to properly access $device 
 echo and this means probably that the password is wrong
 # if the retry option is given:
 echo i will detach the crypto device and retry 
The above code is self explanatory. Note that /sbin/e2label $device
will also print the label when the $device is accessible, or otherwise
it will comply loudly when it is not; this is ok for me.

If you can find a program, or design a script,
for XFS that will behave the same, then you are OK.

> I use XFS as the file system for the home directory. As far as I see one can 
> use xfs_admin -l /your/device to have some basic check. It prints the label 
> of the XFS partition in question like this:
> label = "somelabel"
> When it isn't an XFS partition it prints:
> xfs_admin: unexpected XFS SB magic number 0x<somenumber>
> and an error message when I try it on the raw device (without encryption):
> /usr/sbin/xfs_admin: line 1: 9556 Floating point exceptionxfs_db ...

this is bad, you should file it as a bug

> When I try it on the swap device I get even more error messages including a 
> core dump.

consider using a script as below
> I am thinking about how to extract the information whether thats a valid XFS 
> filesystem. I can provide a script that tests for "label = " in the output of 
> xfs_admin. 
> Would that be enough for your patch?

Maybe the command '/usr/sbin/xfs_admin -l ' itself will be 
ok.... it depends on how it handles the return code.

Otherwise, as you suggest,  you may write a script such as
ulimit -c 0
xfs_admin -l $1 | grep -q '^label'
exit $?
(note: I did not test it)


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