merge 669409 669410

First of all: Nice find and thanks for the bugreport!

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 17:41, Florian Ermisch <> wrote:
> Please compare those to description of apt-get(8)'s manpage:
>       --no-upgrade
>           Do not upgrade packages; When used in conjunction with
>           install, no-upgrade will prevent packages on the command
>           line from being upgraded if they are already installed.
>           Configuration Item: APT::Get::Upgrade.
>       --only-upgrade
>           Do not install new packages; When used in conjunction
>           with install, only-upgrade will prevent packages on the
>           command line from being upgraded if they are not already
>           installed. Configuration Item: APT::Get::Only-Upgrade.
> I guess the first part of --only-upgrade's description is correct but
> everything after the semicolon is repeated from --no-upgrade. I

In the german translation, you are right, but the english one is
just very very similar: Read the last sentence again and you
will notice that in the second case there is a 'not' in it inverting
the meaning - which is also the behavior as --no-upgrade is the
inverse of --only-upgrade.

That said, i had to read that a few times, too, and i actually wrote
this section if i remember right… (clearly by copy&pasting from
--only-upgrade … Please don't ask what i was thinking at that time…)

> _guess_ the correct description would be:
>           Do not install new packages; When used in conjunction
>           with install, --only-upgrade will prevent new packages
>           from being installed. Already installed packages will
>           be upgraded. Configuration Item: APT::Get::Only-Upgrade.

Either way, we should change that as it is really not that easy to
understand if you read both, so i merged this and the bug about
the german translation of it as a new string will require an update
to the po-file anyway (as any other translation, too), so we don't
need to track that separately - i think this is a computer aided
translation mistake to begin with as it is just sooo similar that
translation tools could think it is a fuzzy string instead of new…

Anyway: I think the ". Already […]" sounds a bit jerky (= "abgehackt")
so what do you think about:

Do not install new packages; When used in conjunction
with install, only-upgrade will install upgrades for already
installed packages only and ignore requests to install
new packages. Configuration Item: APT::Get::Only-Upgrade.


Best regards

David Kalnischkies

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