tags 670144 +help
retitle 670144 fancy output sometimes broken by misbehaving initscripts

Le 23.04.2012 13:56, Michael Biebl a écrit :
> the new "fancy" output is nice. I've noticed a few services though,
> where it is broken, e.g. the udev or fsck init script. The output looks
> like this:
> [....] Running foo
> (doing something)
> done.]
> If you want to reproduce the issue, just run touch /forcefsck and
> reboot.
> Cheers,
> Michael

Hi Michael,

In most cases I encountered, this is due to init scripts not using the
functions from /lib/lsb/init-functions (as documented in
/usr/share/doc/lsb-base/README.Debian) properly. For example, no screen
output is supposed to happen between the log_daemon_msg and log_end_msg
calls. Same for log_action_begin_msg and log_action_end_msg.

Now, the conceptual thing that could help would be the ability to set
and unset terminal left margins, to avoid having the new lines start at
column 0. I haven't yet found how it would be possible, hence tagging
this bug as +help. For the rest, I don't think that fixing those
glitches is something that can be done in lsb-base. Patches welcome though.



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