Stefano Zacchiroli <> writes:

> Not having heard other options, I've proceed with the verification
> mentioned above. Everything has happened publicly and is hence available
> for your review starting from [1].  My own conclusions on the potential
> teams, based on that thread have been posted on list [2] and also
> attached to this mail for your convenience.

> According to the thread, the amount of volunteers willing to help has
> changed but not diminished, although it seems to be more scattered now.

This was very helpful.  Thank you!

> To conclude, let me remind that the purpose of this exercise was only to
> verify the availability of the team that volunteered 2 years ago, in
> order to give more data to the tech-ctte for deciding what team (if any)
> should go in the vote ballots.

> I hope this could help and that the tech-ctte have now all the input
> needed to quickly come to a conclusion on this issue, one way or
> another.


> Considering the potential incompatibilities, it seems that the possible
> maintenance "teams" boil down to:

> - a maintenance team formed by Sandro
> - a maintenance team formed by Matthias and Barry
> - a maintenance team formed by Jakub

So, for moving forward with this, these seem like three obvious voting
options to me.  I will assume that the Matthias and Barry team would be
the "decline to change anything" option.

> It should also be noted that Jakub, in spite of his availability, has
> made clear that he does not support removing the current maintainer by
> the means of a tech-ctte vote.  Barry clarified in mail to me (asking me
> to mention it here) that he does not support removing the current
> maintainer either, which is why I've listed Barry in co-maintenance with
> Matthias, but not with Sandro.

This does, to me, raise the question of whether Jakub should be listed as
a separate option, or whether there's no meaningful distinction between a
maintenance team formed by Jakub and a maintenance team formed by Matthias
and Barry.  I suppose they're distinct in the sense that the tech-ctte
could decide that Matthias should not have a position of authority over
the package at all, but that doesn't seem particularly sensible to me in
that it's rather difficult for us to make it stick going forward while
still appointing someone who doesn't think that Matthias should be

(Also, why is Jakub listed as a separate option but not Barry?)

Russ Allbery (               <>

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