Hi Adam,

On 28.04.2012 16:37, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> Has anyone looked at the "unknown" packages on the tracker -
> http://release.debian.org/transitions/html/cogl.html - i.e. those which
> build-depend on clutter or cogl but don't have a runtime dependency?
> Are any / all of those also likely to need rebuilding?

- Uses Clutter via pygobject / gobject-introspection. A
recompilation should not be necessary.

empathy, snappy-player, clutter-imcontext:
- Those packages (build-)depend on libclutter only and don't use cogl
directly. They should not need a binNMU.

- This package FTBFS with clutter 1.10. I've filed a bug for that
(#670790) It shouldn't block the testing migration though, as it doesn't
link against libcogl5.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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