On Mon, May  7, 2012 at 21:35:58 +0200, Laurent Fousse wrote:

> Hello,
> * Julien Cristau [Mon, May 07, 2012 at 06:08:40PM +0200]:
> > it looks like the update from gmp 2:5.0.4+dfsg-1 to 2:5.0.5+dfsg-1
> > causes gcc to ICE on the buildds.
> > See e.g.
> > https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=ufraw&arch=amd64&ver=0.18-1.1%2Bb2&stamp=1336402119
> It would be interesting to see if the bug goes away when mpfr is
> rebuilt against the newest gmp package. 
> I will look into it this evening, but feel free to beat me to it.
I haven't tried that, won't get to it today.  However as a data point
the crash seemed to (mostly? only?) affect VM guests, rather than
physical hosts.  A local rebuild with --disable-fat seemed not to crash,
but I haven't tried a clean rebuild without source change so I'm not
sure if it's the rebuild or the configure option change that fixed
things for me.


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