Hi Roger, and thanks for your (quick) feedback,

Le 18.05.2012 22:16, Roger Leigh a écrit :
> On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 10:00:12PM +0200, Didier Raboud wrote:
>> Le jeudi, 17 mai 2012 00.19:38, Stanislav Maslovski wrote :
>>> Evidently, if you decide to use /etc/default/rcS for this setting,
>>> this file should *not* be simply sourced from /lib/lsb/init-functions.
>>> Instead, you may use something like
>>> FANCYTTY=$([ -e /etc/default/rcS ] && . /etc/default/rcS && echo $FANCYTTY)
>> After an initial perplexity, I think I now quite like this idea. From the 
>> rcS 
>> manpage: "rcS - variables that affect the behavior of boot scripts", so it 
>> would be a good fit for /etc/default/rcS.
>> Given that /etc/default/rcS is managed by initscripts (from src:sysvinit), 
>> I'm 
>> hereby asking the sysvinit maintainers: what do you think?
> One problem right now is that /etc/default/rcS is not a conffile, and
> is never upgraded after the initial install.  Adding the option would
> only make it available for new installs.

Just to make sure I understand that correctly: would it be possible to
let lsb-base's /lib/lsb/init-functions read FANCYTTY from /e/d/rcS right
now ?

A plan to do this would imply:

a) changing lsb-base.README.Debian (and .NEWS) to point to /e/d/rcS
instead of /e/lsb-base-logging.sh.

b) Add the above sourcing of /e/d/rcS to init-functions

c) writing maintainer scripts to make sure an already defined FANCYTTY
in /e/lsb-base-logging.sh gets written to /e/d/rcS (Policy doesn't
really allow this).

d) What else?



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