forwarded 616680


On Sun, Mar 06, 2011 at 04:39:37PM +0100, Michael Goetze wrote:
> Package: icedove
> Version: 3.0.11-1+b1
> According to powertop, icedove-bin wakes up the CPU 7-8 times per
> second. This is when it is sitting unused on an inactive workspace with
> 2 open IMAP connections.
> Top causes for wakeups:
>   36.5% (  7.6)       icedove-bin : futex_wait_queue_me (hrtimer_wakeup)
> There is no reason for icedove to need to wake up that often, please
> make it more power-friendly.

This is an old problem. The Mozilla Bugtracker show entrys from the end
of 2007 for Firefox.
And in the between times this problem should be no real problem anymore.

Here on version 3.1.6 Squeeze/amd64 the wakeups significant lower.
   2,2% ( 11,7)       icedove-bin : hrtimer_start_range_ns (hrtimer_wakeup)

Is the power consumption still heavy?
If so can you post your actual tests on the posted BugtrackerID in
Mozilla, because this is a upstream related problem?

Carsten Schoenert

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