retitle 657967 O: prelink -- ELF prelinking utility to speed up dynamic linking
noowner 657967
unblock 657967 by 659522
block 657967 by 676516
close 659522

The ITA owner Daniel Martí wrote on 21 May 2012 "to make it as a NMU" and
"re-orphan the package and repack the update as a NMU".  So Daniel Martí no
longer intends to adopt the package.  So retitling and noownering.

At this point anyone can adopt the prelink package.

There are two RFS bugs for prelink, bug 659522 from Daniel Martí and bug 676516
from Andrey Rahmatullin.  Both RFS'es claim to have a package ready for
sponsoring at mentors.

At first sight the package at mentors seems from Daniel Martí.
Uploader:       Daniel Martí <>
Uploaded:       2012-06-07 13:29

But it is from Andrey Rahmatullin.

 | prelink (0.0.20090925-2) unstable; urgency=low
 |   * QA upload
 |   * debian/control: Set Maintainer: to the QA group, drop Uploaders:
 |   * debian/patches/: Add r187.dpatch, r188.dpatch, r189.dpatch and
 |     r190.dpatch, cherry-picked from the upstream SVN
 |     (svn://, which define and handle several new
 |     DWARF codes emitted by gcc > 4.5 (Closes: #676390)
 |  -- Andrey Rahmatullin <>  Thu, 07 Jun 2012 16:14:47 +0600

So sponsors sponsoring the package currently at mentors should be aware of that
this package is from Andrey Rahmatullin.

To limit further confusion I'm removing the block with Daniel Martí's RFS and
adding a block with Andrey Rahmatullin's RFS.  I'm also closing Daniel Martí's
RFS because there is currently no package to be sponsored from Daniel Martí.
Also, I think that there should be only RFS per package at a time.


Bart Martens

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