
> The resolution to that is independent of this removal request,
> I'll keep people who need to know in the loop as we learn more -
> but I mention it here because there are rumours that roaraudio
> (those nice folk who brought you a DECnet dependency to d-i)
> may try to resurrect this package, or embed it themselves,
> so just in case that is actually true, I'm red-flagging it
> here as an Unwise Move to make.

To make this very clear:
The RoarAudio as well asl the OLD mumble team was who told tat embedding
is bad from the very moment Ron was asking us to do.

The RoarAudio Team supports the removal itself fully.
We just had problems with the way of transition (see the transition
bug). This has been 'fixed' already (as Ron said, dak doesn't report
us ;)

Also the DECnet problem has been fixed. Where it should be: in the
package dnprogs.

To repeat myself:
The RoarAudio Team supports this removal fully.

(PS: I'm away this weekend.)

 (Rah of PH2)

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