Dear Debian Mentors,

A new package can be found up at

Here is the full changelog:

prelink (0.0.20111012-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * QA upload.
  * New upstream release. (LP: #731719)
  * Switched to source format 3.0 (quilt).
    - Refreshed all patches.
  * Bumped debhelper compat level to 7.
  * Some lintian complaints solved.
    - Add ${misc:Depends}
    - Changed deprecated dh_clean -k by dh_prep in debian/rules
    - Added build-arch and build-indep to debian/rules
    - Added a debian/watch file
    - debian/NEWS doesn't use a bulleted list anymore
    - Added a Homepage field
    - execstack's Conflicts: prelink is now Replaces: prelink
    - Added dh_md5sums to binary-arch
    - debian/rules now imports dpkg build flags
    - postrm uses set -e in its body rather than in #!
  * Bumped standards version to No changes needed.

I'd very much appreciate if anybody could review this package and upload
it for me.

Thank you for your time.

Daniel Martí - - GPG 0x58BF72C3

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