Le lundi, 18 juin 2012 16.35:36, vous avez écrit :
> Thank you very much. Removing the file did solve the problem.
> But tracing its roots, I get:
> rrs@champaran:~$ sudo dpkg -S /etc/lsb-base-logging.sh
> lsb-base: /etc/lsb-base-logging.sh
> Would you want to remove it or at least prompt about it?

Ubuntu (and supposedly; derivates of it) ship /etc/lsb-base-logging.sh in lsb-
base but as far as I can see, the Debian package never did.

That said, the packaging repository contains the needed machinery to remove 
said file (if unmodified) from version 4.1+Debian4 at which it moved away from 
that place.

So either your file comes from an unmodified lsb-base _Debian_ package and I 
would need to be pointed at said file or you copied either the package or the 
file from a Ubuntu derivative.



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