
I have checked our package for this transition

> In short, we want to highlight these changes you need to be aware of:
> * Do NOT declare a strong relation against apache2.2-common (or
>  apache2-common as its natural successor). Instead recommend "apache2 |
>  httpd" in your package relationships. 

We not directly depends on this packages but we depends on libapache2-mod-wsgi

> * Do NOT install any files to /etc/apache2/conf.d/. This directory is
>  obsolete. Its successor is /etc/apache2/conf-available/ which can be
>  interfaced through a2enconf/a2disconf

Not used

> * Do NOT call a2enconf/a2disconf in your maintainer scripts. Use our
>  apache2-maintscript-helper [4] instead. This is required to get a
>  uniform and stateful handling of all web applications interfacing with
>  Apache2.

Not used

> * Please use the new authentication and authorization directives of
>  Apache 2.4 [6]. While the old style directives are in principle still
>  supported using mod_access_compat, mixing old and new style directives
>  can cause problems. Moreover, the compatibility mode may be removed in
>  a future release.

No authentication has been used.

Mehdi Abaakouk

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