Arne Ahrend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2) I still have to run updmap once by hand after installing tetex-extra
>    to cause dvips -Pwww or -Poutline to use the .pfb fonts.

Oh.  That is unexpected.  I think we should debug this, and for this we
need the stderr of updmap run with "sh -x".  I don't have time to give
any help in that, but if you or somebody else wants to find out: Go to and search for "apt-extracttemplates
control-overrides" in debian-devel.  One of the mails is by me, I'm
answering to a mail that describes how to use changed postinst scripts
locally for testing.  

> However, as tetex 3.0 is destined to enter unstable really soon now[1], it is 
> probably
> best to focus efforts on that release. If the Debian maintainer(s) of tetex
> feel that we have made best use of my report, then certainly the bug should 
> be closed.

Well, either it is a real bug - then it might be still present in the
packaging of 3.0.  Or it is a misconfiguration on your side - then it is
possible that others have the same problem, and we should at least think
about documenting it.  If not working around it.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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