On Sun, 24 Jun 2012 18:11:36 +0100 Brian Potkin wrote:

> On Sun 24 Jun 2012 at 17:06:49 +0200, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > I hope that a real fix may be implemented sooner or later (better if
> > sooner...), so that this bug report will be closed properly.
> The second suggestion I made (it changes from using the default
> Ghostscript to Poppler to send Postscript to the printer) is the fix
> devised as way of dealing with problems such as yours. Now, if you still
> had your testing hat on . . . . . :).

I searched for instructions on how to set up a print queue with CUPS so
that Poppler is used to send Postscript to the printer, but I failed to
find any detail in /usr/share/doc/cups-filters/README.txt.gz ...

Were you referring to another README?
Where can I find the correct command-line procedure to re-create my
print queue and have it use Poppler?

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