begin  quotation  from Francesco Poli (in 
> On Mon, 25 Jun 2012 10:36:50 +0200 Arne Wichmann wrote:
> > So, at least as far as I can see, there are a number of things to be done
> > in various time frames:
> > - Alert enough people to the problem (via debian-user, messages in the
> >   packaging, other mailing lists and similar means)
> I am not sure debian-user is the appropriate place for such a call for
> help...

Well, if you are trying to reach your users, this seems to be a possible
vector to me

> What do you mean by "messages in the packaging"?

At least I get mails by apt-listchanges... Other tactics may also be
available - but I am not the epigon of debian packaging.

> As far as other mailing lists are concerned, I tried to see if other
> debian-legal participants could join me in this persuasion effort, but
> I unfortunately received no reply:

I do not think that debian-legal is a good starting point for a massive

> Maybe debian-science could be another appropriate mailing list, but I
> suspect that a good number of its participants are already aware of the
> issue, due to the various bug reports filed against packages maintained
> by the Debian Science team: #617613, #617931, and #618968 (that is to
> say, this one).

A mail there might still help a bit.

> > - Remove the package from debian if nothing happens.
> I am trying hard to avoid this, but I am failing to get help from other
> people...  That's really frustrating!   :-(



[...] If you don't want to be restricted, don't agree to it. If you are
coerced, comply as much as you must to protect yourself, just don't support
it. Noone can free you but yourself. (crag, on Debian Planet)
Arne Wichmann (

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