❦ 28 juin 2012 01:00 CEST, Carl Chenet <cha...@debian.org> :

> The embedded pip in virtualenv crashes with Python >= 2.7.3,
> 3.2.3. This situation has been solved in the python-pip Debian package
> (See #677801 and the upstream bug [1]) but the python-virtualenv
> Debian package has an unpatched pip 1.1 source tarball in
> /usr/share/python-virtualenv which is used by virtualenv inside a
> virtual environment.
> [1]: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/552
> I'm not sure yet what the good solution is. Maybe to patch the files
> in this pip 1.1 source tarball.

Or copy pip/distribute/setuptools from the system? Or link it?
Avoid unnecessary branches.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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