Package: perl-depends
Version: 2011.0324+git74d587e-1
Severity: wishlist
Tags: patch

I noticed this package has two minor typos close together in its
description.  Reading the rest I see the content is basically fine,
but there are a few other minor language issues, so here's a general

> Description: roughly find out module depends from a perl file

Informative, but it's a verb phrase; DevRef recommends that packages
should have noun-phrase-based synopses.

Also, "depends from" is unidiomatic (except perhaps as Debian jargon),
and Perl should be capitalised (unless it's talking about

>  Find out roughly the modules the program uses. This is based on the

This is another verb-phrase based sentence fragment; here it should be
a full sentence ("perl-depends is a tool for...").

I'll keep this second use of "roughly", but the third one at the end
of the paragraph is just too repetitive.

>  idea, that Perl evaluates the "use" commands at compile time and
       ^                     ~~~
Un-English use of comma; but the "This is based on the idea that"
part is superfluous (and isn't in your upstream blurb anyway).

Also, unidiomatic use of definite article.

>  stores the loaded module information into the %INC variable. By

"Loaded module information" is a bit ambiguous; say "information about
loaded modules".

"Store" takes "in", not "into".

>  examining the loaded modules and comparing them against the standard
>  Perl modules, the extenal module dpendencies can be roughly estimated.
                        ^^          ^^
Two typos and an excess "roughly".

There's no need for this use of the passive voice (with a "by"
phrase that doesn't mark the agent); it can just say "comparing X
and Y gives an estimate of Z".

>  .
>  The depends information can be used to determine what external modules

Another unidiomatic use of "depends" where I think it means

>  have to be installed before program can be used.
Missing article.

My suggested text is:

| Description: rough indicator of Perl module dependencies
|  perl-depends is a tool to show roughly what modules a program uses. Perl
|  evaluates "use" commands at compile time, storing the information about
|  loaded modules in the %INC variable. Comparing that list with the
|  standard Perl modules gives an estimate of the external module
|  dependencies.
|  .
|  The dependency information can be used to determine what external
|  modules have to be installed before the program can be used.

Ankh kak! (Ancient Egyptian blessing)
diff -ru perl-depends-2011.0324+git74d587e.pristine/debian/control perl-depends-2011.0324+git74d587e/debian/control
--- perl-depends-2011.0324+git74d587e.pristine/debian/control	2011-03-24 15:18:24.000000000 +0000
+++ perl-depends-2011.0324+git74d587e/debian/control	2012-06-30 23:23:09.555392863 +0100
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
 Package: perl-depends
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${perl:Depends}
-Description: roughly find out module depends from a perl file
- Find out roughly the modules the program uses. This is based on the
- idea, that Perl evaluates the "use" commands at compile time and
- stores the loaded module information into the %INC variable. By
- examining the loaded modules and comparing them against the standard
- Perl modules, the extenal module dpendencies can be roughly estimated.
+Description: rough indicator of Perl module dependencies
+ perl-depends is a tool to show roughly what modules a program uses. Perl
+ evaluates "use" commands at compile time, storing the information about
+ loaded modules in the %INC variable. Comparing that list with the
+ standard Perl modules gives an estimate of the external module
+ dependencies.
- The depends information can be used to determine what external modules
- have to be installed before program can be used.
+ The dependency information can be used to determine what external
+ modules have to be installed before the program can be used.

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