> I'm not sure why you think it might be a "critical" bug. It doesn't
> render the system unusable. In fact, if it did overwrite sources.list
> then I might even consider that a critical bug instead.....

I was thinking along the lines  of missing critical security update
becauase you thought you had upt to date sources when you didn't....

> The behaviour you report is how it is specifically implemented. I did
> not want to accidently overwrite /etc/apt/sources.list. The purpose of
> this command, as the description indicates, is to find local Debian
> archives SUITABLE FOR sources.list, rather than TO REPLACE
> CURRENT. Thus it creates a suggested sources.list file which it writes
> into wherever you run the command.

Then i miss interperted what was expected behaviour. I expect that my
sources list would be edited (added to) not destroyed .... even old
configuration files are valuable.

> In fact, this command does no more than to run the netselect-apt
> command. If the resulting sources.list looks okay to you then you can
> go ahead and cut and past the entry you want into the system version
> (perhaps using wajig editsources).

The main reason I use Debian is its packaage management system which
is light years ahead of anyoen elses, however even it is getting
weighted down by the number of commands and layers so what I never got
to with the older systems... list netselect and a few others, wajig
instantly gave me access to in a way which I could remember. So in
reading the documentation, much of it is new in that I didn't
encounter it at all withouth wajig. That is the route of my

> I could add the extra functionality to automatically overwrite the
> system sources.list but that does seem a little dangerous to me, since
> many people fine tune their sources.list and overwritting it would be
> a surprise.

Me as welll, I live in fear that an old configuration file will go
into /dev/null when I had some valluable notes there! So I'm glad that
this wasn'nt the case.

> Let me know if you don't agree with the rationale.

No, I agree completely, but with my above explanations  ... for some
newer users things can be less than clear when you don't have years of
experience piled on top.

Wajig has been a godsend, It should have been done long ago. Even the
best of systems get bogged down with addititons and improvements and
sometimes somone needs to go through and merge it all together again.
You've done that magnificently.

But how about adding a few lines to the documentation in an upcoming
version which makes this a bit clearer. It would help reduce the
posibility of misinterpertation.


David Fedoruk
B.Mus. UBC,1986
Certificate in Internet Systems Administration, UBC, 2003

"Music is enough for one's life time, but one life time is not enough
for music" Sergei Rachmaninov

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