reassign 679409 sysvinit

[sorry for duplicate, forgot the actual tags]

On lun., 2012-07-02 at 12:36 +1000, James Tocknell wrote:
> Lightdm works for the earlier versions.

That puzzles me very much, 2.88dsf-22.1 is just an NMU from Christian
Perrier with translations stuff, for locales (I think) you don't use.
> I don't know enough about the init system to know where the problem
> would lie, but what I do know is that dependency based booting is now
> required for the broken versions. I've also looked though all log
> files that I know of, and I can't find anything related with lightdm. 

As far as I can tell, lightdm works fine with dependency based booting
everywhere else, so I'm pretty unsure it's lightdm fault, and I'm
reassigning to sysvinit.

For sysvinit people: lightdm initscript started to fail for James after
the 2.88dsf-22.1 (I'm a bit unsure of that version though, see above).
Reverting to previous versions seem to fix the problem, so I'm unsure
what the problem really is.

James, in any case, I think providing /etc/init.d/.depend.* might help
solving this.

Please keep me on CC: so I'm informed of the development. It might be
interesting to provide /var/log/lightdm.log
and /var/log/lightdm-gtk-greeeter.log, although the fact it works with
startx might means it won't show anything.


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