On Mon, 2012-07-09 at 23:50 +0200, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> As said above: when it receives a mouse click, it uses ioctl(TIOCLINUX)
> to make the kernel paste. But it doesn't even know what is being pasted.
Ah,... I now I see... so one would need to implement in the kernel, that
every user has it's own clipboard space... and only then gpm could do
something like:
                ;//do nothing

> > A "solution" might be to add a configuration option, that allows
> > cross-user copy/pasting... but that should then be disabled per default,
> > IMHO.
> I wonder who will ever notice and enable it.
Well I guess people who desperately miss that "feature" would probably
have a look at the documentation.
And especially we in Debian have debconf that could simply ask. :)

> These don't matter here: unless they are the same as some of the users
> logged into the keyboard console, they don't have any access to the
> keyboard console, and thus not to the copy/paste buffer either.
I doubt... we at the super computing centre have many nodes where we use
some sort of serial console access (differently implemented depending on
different hosts),... where I can log in from remote places (via ssh or
browser) and get a console on which I can use gpm.
And it's the same if you remotely log in on the consoles of VMs.


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