submitter 671076 !
submitter 671099 !
submitter 671319 !

 ❦ 10 juillet 2012 10:32 CEST, Jakub Wilk <> :

>>cdbs is using this snippet in
>>find "$(CURDIR)" -prune -name '*.egg-info' -exec rm -rf '{}' ';'
>> find "$(CURDIR)" -prune is $(CURDIR) and does not match -name switch
>> and therefore nothing happens. I don't know why -prune is
>> here. Maybe:
>>find "$(CURDIR)" -maxdepth 1 -name '*.egg-info' -exec rm -rf '{}' ';'
> It's true that the original code is buggy, but I also don't think that
> cdbs should remove *.egg-info. It's not safe to do it unconditionally;
> there are known cases of packages breaking if you do that.
> Please either:
> - reassign the bugs back to python-recaptcha, pycha and nevow
> - or change submitter to yourself.

I have already fixed the problem in those packages. Therefore, I go for
solution 2 but if you prefer solution 1, that's fine by me too.
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