On Friday, July 20, 2012 10:20:28, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Chris Knadle writes ("Re: Bug#682010: re celt and mumble referred to the 
> > Test:
> Thanks.
> This:
> >    - I had the friend upgrade to the developer snapshot
> >    1.2.3-361-ga2a3836
> >    
> >      from the Mumble website and try again -- same message.  So right now
> >      there is no version of the Mumble client available for Windows (at
> >      least on the front page of the Mumble website) that supports Opus,
> >      or if it does it's not compatable with the version of Opus in the
> >      -2 Mumble package in Sid.
> >    
> >    - I disconnected from the server (-2 client) and closed Mumble
> >    - I reinstalled Mumble from Wheezy (the "348" version of the client
> >    that
> >    
> >      is impossible to build today)
> >    
> >    - Connected to the server again and communication works via CELT codec
> Does not appear to be consistent with this:
> > From this test I draw the following conclusions:
> >    - the -2 version of mumble-server is safe to migrate to Wheezy,
> >    
> >      no problem there
> Since if I read you correctly the -1 .deb works with your friend's
> Windows version and the -2 .deb doesn't.

Negative.  Let me try to make this clear.

 - the -2 mumble-server from Sid was in use in all cases of this test.
   [And BTW it seems after doing so it is not possible to downgrade
    mumble-server to the version in Squeeze.]

 - the difference as to whether my friend could speak after he
   installed the developer snapshot was whether *I* was using the
   Mumble *client* from Wheezy on my laptop, or the -2 version from Sid.
   The "348" client from Wheezy has CELT support, the -2 client in
   Sid does not.  The -2 "349" version of the client in Sid has Opus
   support (only), the Windows developer snapshot my friend loaded
   does not.

  -- Chris

Chris Knadle
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