tags 682316 + moreinfo


>    I got a report "MPlayer interrupted by signal 6 in module: filter video" 
> when I try to use gnome-mplayer to play every video with all configure I 
> could try. But I am able to play them with smplayer normally. Now 
> gnome-player is almost unusable to me.

please run gnome-mplayer -v to get the exact command that gnome-mplayer uses to
execute mplayer. This should look something like:

 mplayer -vo gl_nosw -vf-add screenshot -channels 2 -af-add
export=/tmp/mplayer-af_exportcxhhdg:512 -quiet -slave -noidle -noconsolecontrols
-nostop-xscreensaver -identify -volume 100 -softvol -msglevel all=5 -osdlevel 0
-delay 0.000000 -subdelay 0.000000 -subpos 0 -sub-fuzziness 0 -wid 0x3a0001a
-brightness 0 -contrast 0 -hue 0 -saturation 0 -alang Zuni,zun -slang Zuni,zun
-nomsgcolor -nomsgmodule -nokeepaspect -ass -embeddedfonts -ass-font-scale 1.00
-ass-color ffffff00 filepath

Please remove -wid 0xXXXXXXXX from the line and try to run it yourself with
mplayer installed (not mplayer2). If that line fails as well this is a mplayer
bug and should be reassigned.

Kind regards
Sebastian Ramacher

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