retitle 682896 RM: doc-linux-de -- RoQA outdated
tags 682896 moreinfo
severity 682896 important

[ resending mail with unbroken header; sorry for the inconvenience ]


* Martin Eberhard Schauer <> [120726 21:47]:

> by accident I had a look at my old mails (1).  The improved machine
> translation is
> roughly
>    How are the German HOWTOs involved?
>    Those responsible have disappeared, but the HOWTOs crop up yet.
>    Is the whole project dead?
>    Smells like somehow like this ... : ->
> 1:

Okay, but first let's ask the current maintainer for any comments.

> I choose severity grave because it is so outdated that it seems to me
> that its age
>    "makes the package in question unusable or mostly so".

Uhm... Well, it doesn't actually matter much for removal bugs, but I
don't think (partly?) outdated documentation is release critical. 

Best regards,

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