Package: amsn
Version: 0.94-2

I think it's since first MSN7 betas were released, some chat windows open from 
online contacts without any action. It's very annoying. It happens with 3 
debian etch machines I use, all i386. And I know from one user using ubuntu 
default installation also with this problem.

Attached is a very simple patch I've made that solves the problem.

Best regards.
--- chatwindow.tcl.orig	2005-10-11 12:45:12.000000000 +0200
+++ chatwindow.tcl	2005-10-10 11:53:57.000000000 +0200
@@ -309,6 +309,10 @@
 	#  - [msg ""] => [NOT REQUIRED] The message sent to us (first message)
 	#  - [usr_name ""] => [NOT REQUIRED] Is the user who sends the message
 	proc MakeFor { chatid {msg ""} {usr_name ""} } {
+		if { $msg=="" } {
+			return 0;
+		}
 		set win_name [::ChatWindow::For $chatid]
 		# If there wasn't a window created and assigned to $chatid, let's create one

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