
I see that ipython has the ability to submit jobs into a batch system. Is
> this feature how you were submitting jobs into Condor?
> I did not use ipython to submit the jobs, I escaped the ipython shell with
a leading "!" before the call to condor, i.e.: "@ipython_prompt[0]:
!condor_submit my_submit_file.condor"

> Were all of the jobs running on your local machine or on multiple machines
> in a cluster?
Jobs were running on multiple machines on a cluster and afaik none of them
were killed.

> Or, more technically, do you know what Condor universe the jobs were
> running under?
> I always use universe  = vanilla in my condor submit files.

> I suspect that when you removed the jobs, Condor killed the processes that
> it spawned, but didn't know about some child processes they had in turn
> spawned. Condor uses several techniques to track the child processes of
> jobs, none of which are perfect.

That would make send, but I am fairly certain that my processes were not
spawning others, although I can check this.


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