Le Mardi 11 Octobre 2005 22:03, vous avez écrit :
> Hi,
> Am 11. Oct 2005 schrieb Romain Beauxis:
> > In fact dependencies for mediawiki are right.
> > The problem comes from the fact that there is no php4 package for
> > cherokee in debian.
> Now I have the following php4 packages installed (but don't know wich are
> necessary to serve mediawiki and cherokee)
> php4-cgi (I guess this one is important for cherokee)
> php4-cli
> php4-common
> php4-mysql

So you may not have install any apache stuff since all mediawikis dependencies 
can be installed without apache:
mediawiki + php4 + php4-cgi + php4-common + php4-mysql + other non apache 
related ones..

Did the problem occured BEFORE you installed php4-cgi of after?

son, daddy left you were from you were four
I've got to struggle 'cos I am poor
she said, food is a very hard thing to find
sometime I feel like I'm going out of my mind

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