retitle 684715 needs to add -I/usr/lib/`dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH` 
to pkg-config output


quick discussion on #debian-devel suggests that this is common
in multiarch-times, but then pkg-config should add the location:

13:15 < noshadow> _rene_: I think having headers in lib is a fashion pioneered 
                  by gtk.
13:17 < algernon> well, config.h-like stuff is often arch specific, so the 
                  triplet makes sense. it is also not something users ever need 
                  to directly include, so /usr/include is probably not the best 
                  place for it, either
13:18  * _rene_ works around it in with
13:18 -!- linuxmaniac 
          [] has quit 
          [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:18 < _rene_> +    CLUCENE_CFLAGS="$CLUCENE_CFLAGS 
                -I/usr/lib/`dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH`"
13:18 < _rene_> but I don't really like it
13:19 -!- linuxmaniac 
          [] has 
          joined #debian-devel
13:19 < algernon> (gcc also has a bunch of headers in /usr/lib, fwiw)
13:19 < noshadow> _rene_: people placing stuff there usually insist on all 
                  users using pkg-config. does that list the correct dir?
13:19 < _rene_> most probably not, otherwise it would be in CLUCENE_CFLAGS in 
                the first place
13:19 < _rene_> so clucene needs -I/usr/lib/`dpkg-architecture 
                -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH` in it's pkg-config output= also fine by 
13:20 < noshadow> algernon: though gcc also automatically adds them to the 
                  seach path.
13:20 -!- terceiro [~terceiro@] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
13:21  * _rene_ writes follow-up to 684715



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