Source: tcsh
Version: 6.18.01-2
Severity: serious
Tags: wheezy sid
Usertags: qa-ftbfs-20120814 qa-ftbfs
Justification: FTBFS in wheezy on amd64


During a rebuild of all packages in *wheezy*, your package failed to
build on amd64.

Relevant part:
> gcc -o tcsh -Wl,-z,relro -g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 
> -Wformat -Werror=format-security -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I. -I. sh.o sh.dir.o 
> sh.dol.o sh.err.o sh.exec.o sh.char.o sh.exp.o sh.file.o sh.func.o sh.glob.o 
> sh.hist.o sh.init.o sh.lex.o sh.misc.o sh.parse.o sh.print.o sh.proc.o 
> sh.sem.o sh.set.o sh.time.o glob.o mi.termios.o ma.setp.o vms.termcap.o 
> tw.init.o tw.parse.o tw.spell.o tw.comp.o tw.color.o ed.chared.o 
> ed.refresh.o ed.screen.o ed.init.o ed.inputl.o ed.defns.o ed.xmap.o ed.term.o 
> tc.alloc.o tc.bind.o tc.const.o tc.defs.o tc.disc.o tc.func.o tc.nls.o 
> tc.os.o tc.printf.o tc.prompt.o tc.sched.o tc.sig.o tc.str.o tc.vers.o 
> tc.who.o  -ltermcap -lcrypt   
> make[3]: Entering directory `/«PKGBUILDDIR»/nls'
> C
> et
> finnish
> french
> german
> greek
> italian
> ja
> pl
> russian
> spanish
> ukrainian
> make[3]: Leaving directory `/«PKGBUILDDIR»/nls'
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/«PKGBUILDDIR»'
> /usr/bin/make catalogs
> make[2]: Entering directory `/«PKGBUILDDIR»'
> make[3]: Entering directory `/«PKGBUILDDIR»/nls'
> make[3]: Nothing to be done for `catalogs'.
> make[3]: Leaving directory `/«PKGBUILDDIR»/nls'
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/«PKGBUILDDIR»'
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/«PKGBUILDDIR»'
>    debian/rules override_dh_auto_test
> make[1]: Entering directory `/«PKGBUILDDIR»'
> LS_COLORS= make check || (cat testsuite.log ; false)
> make[2]: Entering directory `/«PKGBUILDDIR»'
> {                                                                \
>         echo '# Signature of the current package.';                      \
>         echo 'm4_define([AT_PACKAGE_NAME],      [tcsh])';        \
>         echo 'm4_define([AT_PACKAGE_TARNAME],   [tcsh])';   \
>         echo 'm4_define([AT_PACKAGE_VERSION],   [6.18.01])';   \
>         echo 'm4_define([AT_PACKAGE_STRING],    [tcsh 6.18.01])';        \
>         echo 'm4_define([AT_PACKAGE_BUGREPORT], [])'; \
>       } >./tests/package.m4
> autom4te --language=autotest -I ./tests \
>               ./tests/ -o tests/testsuite.tmp
> mv tests/testsuite.tmp tests/testsuite
> /bin/sh ./tests/testsuite
> ## ------------------------ ##
> ## tcsh 6.18.01 test suite. ##
> ## ------------------------ ##
>   1: beepcmd                                         skipped (
>   2: cwdcmd                                          ok
>   3: jobcmd                                          skipped (
>   4: helpcommand                                     skipped (
>   5: periodic                                        skipped (
>   6: precmd                                          skipped (
>   7: postcmd                                         ok
>   8: shell                                           ok
>   9: -b                                              ok
>  10: -c                                              ok
>  11: -d                                              skipped (
>  12: -e                                              ok
>  13: -f                                              skipped (
>  14: -i                                              ok
>  15: -l                                              skipped (
>  16: -m                                              skipped (
>  17: -q                                              skipped (
>  18: -s                                              ok
>  19: -t                                              ok
>  20: -v                                              ok
>  21: -x                                              ok
>  22: -V                                              skipped 
> (
>  23: -X                                              skipped 
> (
>  24: --help                                          skipped 
> (
>  25: --version                                       skipped 
> (
>  26: invalid option                                  ok
>  27: non-option arguments                            ok
>  28: %                                               skipped (
>  29: :                                               ok
>  30: @                                               ok
>  31: alias                                           ok
>  32: alloc                                           skipped (
>  33: bg                                              skipped (
>  34: bindkey                                         skipped (
>  35: break                                           ok
>  36: builtins                                        skipped (
>  37: bye                                             skipped (
>  38: cd                                              ok
>  39: complete                                        ok
>  40: continue                                        ok
>  41: dirs                                            ok
>  42: echo                                            ok
>  43: echotc                                          skipped (
>  44: eval                                            ok
>  45: exec                                            ok
>  46: exit                                            ok
>  47: fg                                              skipped (
>  48: filetest                                        ok
>  49: foreach                                         ok
>  50: getspath                                        skipped (
>  51: getxvers                                        skipped (
>  52: glob                                            ok
>  53: goto                                            ok
>  54: hashstat                                        skipped (
>  55: history                                         ok
>  56: hup                                             ok
>  57: if                                              ok
>  58: inlib                                           skipped (
>  59: jobs                                            skipped (
>  60: kill                                            ok
>  61: limit                                           skipped (
>  62: log                                             ok
>  63: login                                           skipped (
>  64: logout                                          ok
>  65: ls-F                                            ok
>  66: migrate                                         skipped (
>  67: newgrp                                          skipped (
>  68: nohup                                           ok
>  69: notify                                          skipped (
>  70: onintr                                          ok
>  71: popd                                            ok
>  72: printenv                                        ok
>  73: pushd                                           ok
>  74: rehash                                          ok
>  75: repeat                                          ok
>  76: rootnode                                        skipped 
> (
>  77: sched                                           skipped 
> (
>  78: set                                             ok
>  79: setenv                                          ok
>  80: setpath                                         skipped 
> (
>  81: setspath                                        skipped 
> (
>  82: settc                                           skipped 
> (
>  83: setty                                           skipped 
> (
>  84: setxvers                                        skipped 
> (
>  85: shift                                           ok
>  86: source                                          ok
>  87: stop                                            skipped 
> (
>  88: suspend                                         skipped 
> (
>  89: switch                                          ok
>  90: telltc                                          skipped 
> (
>  91: termname                                        skipped 
> (
>  92: time                                            skipped 
> (
>  93: umask                                           ok
>  94: unalias                                         ok
>  95: uncomplete                                      ok
>  96: unhash                                          ok
>  97: universe                                        skipped 
> (
>  98: unlimit                                         skipped 
> (
>  99: unset                                           ok
> 100: unsetenv                                        ok
> 101: ver                                             skipped 
> (
> 102: wait                                            ok
> 103: warp                                            skipped 
> (
> 104: watchlog                                        skipped 
> (
> 105: where                                           ok
> 106: which                                           ok
> 107: while                                           ok
> 108: Arithmetic operators                            ok
> 109: Primary expressions                             ok
> 110: Word splitting                                  ok
> 111: Escaping special characters                     ok
> 112: Preventing substitution                         ok
> 113: History basics                                  ok
> 114: Event specification                             ok
> 115: Word selection                                  ok
> 116: History modifiers                               ok
> 117: Alias substitution                              ok
> 118: Variable substitution                           ok
> 119: EUC-JP multibyte test                           ok
> 120: UTF-8 multibyte test                            ok
> 121: Command substitution                            ok
> 122: Filename substitution                           FAILED (
> 123: Directory stack substitution                    ok
> 124: Command combinations                            ok
> 125: Command execution                               ok
> 126: $ addsuffix                                     ok
> 127: $ afsuser                                       ok
> 128: $ ampm                                          ok
> 129: $ argv                                          ok
> 130: $ autocorrect                                   ok
> 131: $ autoexpand                                    ok
> 132: $ autolist                                      ok
> 133: $ autologout                                    skipped (
> 134: $ backslash_quote                               ok
> 135: $ catalog                                       ok
> 136: $ cdpath                                        ok
> 137: $ color                                         ok
> 138: $ colorcat                                      ok
> 139: $ command                                       ok
> 140: $ complete                                      ok
> 141: $ continue                                      ok
> 142: $ continue_args                                 ok
> 143: $ correct                                       ok
> 144: $ csubstnonl                                    ok
> 145: $ cwd                                           ok
> 146: $ dextract                                      ok
> 147: $ dirsfile                                      ok
> 148: $ dirstack                                      ok
> 149: $ dspmbyte                                      skipped 
> (
> 150: $ dunique                                       ok
> 151: $ echo                                          ok
> 152: $ echo_style                                    ok
> 153: $ edit                                          ok
> 154: $ ellipsis                                      ok
> 155: $ fignore                                       ok
> 156: $ filec                                         ok
> 157: $ gid                                           ok
> 158: $ group                                         ok
> 159: $ histchars                                     ok
> 160: $ histdup                                       ok
> 161: $ histfile                                      ok
> 162: $ histlit                                       ok
> 163: $ history                                       ok
> 164: $ home                                          ok
> 165: $ ignoreeof                                     ok
> 166: $ implicitcd                                    ok
> 167: $ inputmode                                     ok
> 168: $ killdup                                       ok
> 169: $ killring                                      ok
> 170: $ listflags                                     ok
> 171: $ listjobs                                      ok
> 172: $ listlinks                                     ok
> 173: $ listmax                                       ok
> 174: $ listmaxrows                                   ok
> 175: $ loginsh                                       ok
> 176: $ logout                                        ok
> 177: $ mail                                          ok
> 178: $ matchbeep                                     ok
> 179: $ nobeep                                        ok
> 180: $ noclobber                                     ok
> 181: $ noding                                        ok
> 182: $ noglob                                        ok
> 183: $ nostat                                        ok
> 184: $ notify                                        ok
> 185: $ oid                                           skipped 
> (
> 186: $ owd                                           ok
> 187: $ path                                          ok
> 188: $ printexitvalue                                ok
> 189: $ prompt                                        ok
> 190: $ prompt2                                       ok
> 191: $ prompt3                                       ok
> 192: $ promptchars                                   ok
> 193: $ pushdtohome                                   ok
> 194: $ pushdsilent                                   ok
> 195: $ recexact                                      ok
> 196: $ recognize_only_executablers                   ok
> 197: $ rmstar                                        ok
> 198: $ rprompt                                       ok
> 199: $ savedirs                                      ok
> 200: $ savehist                                      ok
> 201: $ sched                                         ok
> 202: $ shell                                         ok
> 203: $ shlvl                                         ok
> 204: $ status                                        ok
> 205: $ symlinks                                      ok
> 206: $ tcsh                                          ok
> 207: $ term                                          ok
> 208: $ time                                          ok
> 209: $ tperiod                                       ok
> 210: $ tty                                           ok
> 211: $ uid                                           ok
> 212: $ user                                          ok
> 213: $ verbose                                       ok
> 214: $ version                                       ok
> 215: $ visiblebell                                   ok
> 216: $ watch                                         ok
> 217: $ who                                           ok
> 218: $ wordchars                                     ok
> 219: -n                                              ok
> 220: $<                                              ok
> ## ------------- ##
> ## Test results. ##
> ## ------------- ##
> ERROR: 168 tests were run,
> 1 failed unexpectedly.
> 52 tests were skipped.
> ## -------------------------- ##
> ## testsuite.log was created. ##
> ## -------------------------- ##
> Please send `./testsuite.log' and all information you think might help:
>    To: <>
>    Subject: [tcsh 6.18.01] testsuite: 122 failed
> You may investigate any problem if you feel able to do so, in which
> case the test suite provides a good starting point.  Its output may
> be found below `./testsuite.dir'.
> make[2]: *** [check] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/«PKGBUILDDIR»'
> ## ------------------------ ##
> ## tcsh 6.18.01 test suite. ##
> ## ------------------------ ##
> testsuite: command line was:
>   $ ./tests/testsuite 
> ## --------- ##
> ## Platform. ##
> ## --------- ##
> hostname = ip-10-157-5-166
> uname -m = x86_64
> uname -r = 2.6.32-5-xen-amd64
> uname -s = Linux
> uname -v = #1 SMP Thu Mar 22 21:14:26 UTC 2012
> /usr/bin/uname -p = unknown
> /bin/uname -X     = unknown
> /bin/arch              = unknown
> /usr/bin/arch -k       = unknown
> /usr/convex/getsysinfo = unknown
> /usr/bin/hostinfo      = unknown
> /bin/machine           = unknown
> /usr/bin/oslevel       = unknown
> /bin/universe          = unknown
> PATH: /usr/local/sbin
> PATH: /usr/local/bin
> PATH: /usr/sbin
> PATH: /usr/bin
> PATH: /sbin
> PATH: /bin
> PATH: /usr/games
> testsuite: atconfig:
> | # Configurable variable values for building test suites.
> | # Generated by ./config.status.
> | # Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> | 
> | # The test suite will define top_srcdir=/../.. etc.
> | at_testdir='.'
> | abs_builddir='/«PKGBUILDDIR»'
> | at_srcdir='.'
> | abs_srcdir='/«PKGBUILDDIR»'
> | at_top_srcdir='.'
> | abs_top_srcdir='/«PKGBUILDDIR»'
> | at_top_build_prefix=''
> | abs_top_builddir='/«PKGBUILDDIR»'
> | 
> | # Backward compatibility with Autotest <= 2.59b:
> | at_top_builddir=$at_top_build_prefix
> | 
> | 
> | SHELL=${CONFIG_SHELL-'/bin/bash'}
> ## ---------------- ##
> ## Tested programs. ##
> ## ---------------- ##
> ./ /«PKGBUILDDIR»/tcsh --version
> tcsh 6.18.01 (Astron) 2012-02-14 (x86_64-unknown-linux) options 
> wide,nls,dl,al,kan,rh,nd,color,filec
> ## ------------------ ##
> ## Running the tests. ##
> ## ------------------ ##
> testsuite: starting at: Mon Aug 13 22:44:20 UTC 2012
> 1. beepcmd ( skipped (
> 2. cwdcmd ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.008s)
> 3. jobcmd ( skipped (
> 4. helpcommand ( skipped (
> 5. periodic ( skipped (
> 6. precmd ( skipped (
> 7. postcmd ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.008s)
> 8. shell ( ok     (0m0.016s 0m0.012s)
> 9. -b ( ok     (0m0.016s 0m0.000s)
> 10. -c ( ok     (0m0.028s 0m0.024s)
> 11. -d ( skipped (
> 12. -e ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 13. -f ( skipped (
> 14. -i ( ok     (0m0.000s 0m0.012s)
> 15. -l ( skipped (
> 16. -m ( skipped (
> 17. -q ( skipped (
> 18. -s ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 19. -t ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.004s)
> 20. -v ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.008s)
> 21. -x ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.008s)
> 22. -V ( skipped (
> 23. -X ( skipped (
> 24. --help ( skipped (
> 25. --version ( skipped (
> 26. invalid option ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 27. non-option arguments ( ok     (0m0.020s 0m0.016s)
> 28. % ( skipped (
> 29. : ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.004s)
> 30. @ ( ok     (0m0.056s 0m0.020s)
> 31. alias ( ok     (0m0.044s 0m0.028s)
> 32. alloc ( skipped (
> 33. bg ( skipped (
> 34. bindkey ( skipped (
> 35. break ( ok     (0m0.032s 0m0.004s)
> 36. builtins ( skipped (
> 37. bye ( skipped (
> 38. cd ( ok     (0m0.152s 0m0.044s)
> 39. complete ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.008s)
> 40. continue ( ok     (0m0.020s 0m0.016s)
> 41. dirs ( ok     (0m0.036s 0m0.048s)
> 42. echo ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.000s)
> 43. echotc ( skipped (
> 44. eval ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 45. exec ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 46. exit ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.012s)
> 47. fg ( skipped (
> 48. filetest ( ok     (0m0.200s 0m0.156s)
> 49. foreach ( ok     (0m0.000s 0m0.016s)
> 50. getspath ( skipped (
> 51. getxvers ( skipped (
> 52. glob ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.008s)
> 53. goto ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.008s)
> 54. hashstat ( skipped (
> 55. history ( ok     (0m0.036s 0m0.024s)
> 56. hup ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.012s)
> 57. if ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.004s)
> 58. inlib ( skipped (
> 59. jobs ( skipped (
> 60. kill ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.012s)
> 61. limit ( skipped (
> 62. log ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 63. login ( skipped (
> 64. logout ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.000s)
> 65. ls-F ( ok     (0m0.076s 0m0.032s)
> 66. migrate ( skipped (
> 67. newgrp ( skipped (
> 68. nohup ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.016s)
> 69. notify ( skipped (
> 70. onintr ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.004s)
> 71. popd ( ok     (0m0.024s 0m0.016s)
> 72. printenv ( ok     (0m0.016s 0m0.012s)
> 73. pushd ( ok     (0m0.024s 0m0.020s)
> 74. rehash ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.000s)
> 75. repeat ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.008s)
> 76. rootnode ( skipped (
> 77. sched ( skipped (
> 78. set ( ok     (0m0.016s 0m0.016s)
> 79. setenv ( ok     (0m0.044s 0m0.012s)
> 80. setpath ( skipped (
> 81. setspath ( skipped (
> 82. settc ( skipped (
> 83. setty ( skipped (
> 84. setxvers ( skipped (
> 85. shift ( ok     (0m0.020s 0m0.020s)
> 86. source ( ok     (0m0.044s 0m0.016s)
> 87. stop ( skipped (
> 88. suspend ( skipped (
> 89. switch ( ok     (0m0.016s 0m0.004s)
> 90. telltc ( skipped (
> 91. termname ( skipped (
> 92. time ( skipped (
> 93. umask ( ok     (0m0.016s 0m0.000s)
> 94. unalias ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 95. uncomplete ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 96. unhash ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.004s)
> 97. universe ( skipped (
> 98. unlimit ( skipped (
> 99. unset ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.008s)
> 100. unsetenv ( ok     (0m0.016s 0m0.004s)
> 101. ver ( skipped (
> 102. wait ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.004s)
> 103. warp ( skipped (
> 104. watchlog ( skipped (
> 105. where ( ok     (0m0.028s 0m0.016s)
> 106. which ( ok     (0m0.032s 0m0.012s)
> 107. while ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.004s)
> 108. Arithmetic operators ( ok     (0m0.240s 0m0.120s)
> 109. Primary expressions ( ok     (0m0.260s 0m0.164s)
> 110. Word splitting ( ok     (0m0.036s 0m0.008s)
> 111. Escaping special characters ( ok     (0m0.020s 0m0.024s)
> 112. Preventing substitution ( ok     (0m0.140s 0m0.068s)
> 113. History basics ( ok     (0m0.048s 0m0.020s)
> 114. Event specification ( ok     (0m0.132s 0m0.080s)
> 115. Word selection ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.016s)
> 116. History modifiers ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.012s)
> 117. Alias substitution ( ok     (0m0.016s 0m0.004s)
> 118. Variable substitution ( ok     (0m0.020s 0m0.004s)
> 119. EUC-JP multibyte test ( ok     (0m0.068s 0m0.016s)
> 120. UTF-8 multibyte test ( ok     (0m0.040s 0m0.056s)
> 121. Command substitution ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.012s)
> 123. Directory stack substitution ( ok     (0m0.016s 0m0.020s)
> 124. Command combinations ( ok     (0m0.048s 0m0.060s)
> 125. Command execution ( ok     (0m0.216s 0m0.160s)
> 126. $ addsuffix ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.008s)
> 127. $ afsuser ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 128. $ ampm ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 129. $ argv ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 130. $ autocorrect ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.008s)
> 131. $ autoexpand ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.008s)
> 132. $ autolist ( ok     (0m0.000s 0m0.012s)
> 133. $ autologout ( skipped (
> 134. $ backslash_quote ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.008s)
> 135. $ catalog ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 136. $ cdpath ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.008s)
> 137. $ color ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 138. $ colorcat ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 139. $ command ( ok     (0m0.016s 0m0.012s)
> 140. $ complete ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.000s)
> 141. $ continue ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.000s)
> 142. $ continue_args ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 143. $ correct ( ok     (0m0.000s 0m0.012s)
> 144. $ csubstnonl ( ok     (0m0.024s 0m0.036s)
> 145. $ cwd ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.008s)
> 146. $ dextract ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.000s)
> 147. $ dirsfile ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.008s)
> 148. $ dirstack ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.008s)
> 149. $ dspmbyte ( skipped (
> 150. $ dunique ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 151. $ echo ( ok     (0m0.048s 0m0.012s)
> 152. $ echo_style ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.008s)
> 153. $ edit ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.000s)
> 154. $ ellipsis ( ok     (0m0.036s 0m0.012s)
> 155. $ fignore ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 156. $ filec ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.000s)
> 157. $ gid ( ok     (0m0.028s 0m0.004s)
> 158. $ group ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.004s)
> 159. $ histchars ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.008s)
> 160. $ histdup ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.012s)
> 161. $ histfile ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.000s)
> 162. $ histlit ( ok     (0m0.036s 0m0.016s)
> 163. $ history ( ok     (0m0.020s 0m0.004s)
> 164. $ home ( ok     (0m0.032s 0m0.016s)
> 165. $ ignoreeof ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 166. $ implicitcd ( ok     (0m0.032s 0m0.032s)
> 167. $ inputmode ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 168. $ killdup ( ok     (0m0.000s 0m0.012s)
> 169. $ killring ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.000s)
> 170. $ listflags ( ok     (0m0.020s 0m0.008s)
> 171. $ listjobs ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.008s)
> 172. $ listlinks ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.008s)
> 173. $ listmax ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.008s)
> 174. $ listmaxrows ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.008s)
> 175. $ loginsh ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 176. $ logout ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.008s)
> 177. $ mail ( ok     (0m0.020s 0m0.004s)
> 178. $ matchbeep ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 179. $ nobeep ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 180. $ noclobber ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 181. $ noding ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.008s)
> 182. $ noglob ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.008s)
> 183. $ nostat ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.008s)
> 184. $ notify ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.008s)
> 185. $ oid ( skipped (
> 186. $ owd ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.016s)
> 187. $ path ( ok     (0m0.024s 0m0.020s)
> 188. $ printexitvalue ( ok     (0m0.016s 0m0.004s)
> 189. $ prompt ( ok     (0m0.020s 0m0.008s)
> 190. $ prompt2 ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 191. $ prompt3 ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 192. $ promptchars ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.004s)
> 193. $ pushdtohome ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.008s)
> 194. $ pushdsilent ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.008s)
> 195. $ recexact ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 196. $ recognize_only_executablers ( ok     (0m0.004s 
> 0m0.008s)
> 197. $ rmstar ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.008s)
> 198. $ rprompt ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.016s)
> 199. $ savedirs ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.000s)
> 200. $ savehist ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.000s)
> 201. $ sched ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 202. $ shell ( ok     (0m0.020s 0m0.004s)
> 203. $ shlvl ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.016s)
> 204. $ status ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.020s)
> 205. $ symlinks ( ok     (0m0.032s 0m0.020s)
> 206. $ tcsh ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 207. $ term ( ok     (0m0.032s 0m0.000s)
> 208. $ time ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 209. $ tperiod ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.008s)
> 210. $ tty ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.000s)
> 211. $ uid ( ok     (0m0.024s 0m0.008s)
> 212. $ user ( ok     (0m0.032s 0m0.016s)
> 213. $ verbose ( ok     (0m0.016s 0m0.020s)
> 214. $ version ( ok     (0m0.012s 0m0.000s)
> 215. $ visiblebell ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 216. $ watch ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 217. $ who ( ok     (0m0.008s 0m0.004s)
> 218. $ wordchars ( ok     (0m0.004s 0m0.008s)
> 219. -n ( ok     (0m0.144s 0m0.060s)
> 220. $< ( ok     (0m0.016s 0m0.004s)
> testsuite: ending at: Mon Aug 13 22:44:30 UTC 2012
> testsuite: test suite duration: 0h 0m 10s
> ## ------------- ##
> ## Test results. ##
> ## ------------- ##
> ERROR: 168 tests were run,
> 1 failed unexpectedly.
> 52 tests were skipped.
> ## ------------------------ ##
> ## Summary of the failures. ##
> ## ------------------------ ##
> Failed tests:
> tcsh 6.18.01 test suite test groups:
>       KEYWORDS
>  122:        Filename substitution
> Skipped tests:
> tcsh 6.18.01 test suite test groups:
>       KEYWORDS
>    1:       beepcmd
>    3:      jobcmd
>    4:      helpcommand
>    5:      periodic
>    6:      precmd
>   11:    -d
>   13:    -f
>   15:    -l
>   16:    -m
>   17:    -q
>   22:   -V
>   23:   -X
>   24:   --help
>   25:   --version
>   28:      %
>   32:     alloc
>   33:     bg
>   34:     bindkey
>   36:    builtins
>   37:    bye
>   43:    echotc
>   47:    fg
>   50:    getspath
>   51:    getxvers
>   54:    hashstat
>   58:    inlib
>   59:    jobs
>   61:    limit
>   63:    login
>   66:    migrate
>   67:    newgrp
>   69:    notify
>   76:   rootnode
>   77:   sched
>   80:   setpath
>   81:   setspath
>   82:   settc
>   83:   setty
>   84:   setxvers
>   87:   stop
>   88:   suspend
>   90:   telltc
>   91:   termname
>   92:   time
>   97:   universe
>   98:   unlimit
>  101:   ver
>  103:   warp
>  104:   watchlog
>  133:    $ autologout
>  149:   $ dspmbyte
>  185:   $ oid
> ## ---------------------- ##
> ## Detailed failed tests. ##
> ## ---------------------- ##
> #                             -*- compilation -*-
> 122. testing Filename substitution ...
> ./ tcsh -f files.csh
> ./ echo 'echo ~; echo "$HOME"' | tcsh -f | uniq | wc -l | tr -d ' 
> \t'
> ./ echo "echo ~$(id -un)/foo; echo \"$HOME/foo\"" | tcsh -f | 
> uniq          | wc -l | tr -d ' \t'
> --- - 2012-08-13 22:44:26.031002119 +0000
> +++ /«PKGBUILDDIR»/testsuite.dir/at-groups/122/stdout 2012-08-13 
> 22:44:26.028371473 +0000
> @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
> -1
> +2
> 122. 122. Filename substitution ( FAILED 
> (
> ## ---------- ##
> ## config.log ##
> ## ---------- ##
> | This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
> | running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.
> | 
> | It was created by tcsh configure 6.18.01, which was
> | generated by GNU Autoconf 2.68.  Invocation command line was
> | 
> |   $ ./configure --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --prefix=/usr 
> --includedir=${prefix}/include --mandir=${prefix}/share/man 
> --infodir=${prefix}/share/info --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var 
> --libexecdir=${prefix}/lib/tcsh --disable-maintainer-mode 
> --disable-dependency-tracking
> | 
> | ## --------- ##
> | ## Platform. ##
> | ## --------- ##
> | 
> | hostname = ip-10-157-5-166
> | uname -m = x86_64
> | uname -r = 2.6.32-5-xen-amd64
> | uname -s = Linux
> | uname -v = #1 SMP Thu Mar 22 21:14:26 UTC 2012
> | 
> | /usr/bin/uname -p = unknown
> | /bin/uname -X     = unknown
> | 
> | /bin/arch              = unknown
> | /usr/bin/arch -k       = unknown
> | /usr/convex/getsysinfo = unknown
> | /usr/bin/hostinfo      = unknown
> | /bin/machine           = unknown
> | /usr/bin/oslevel       = unknown
> | /bin/universe          = unknown
> | 
> | PATH: /usr/local/sbin
> | PATH: /usr/local/bin
> | PATH: /usr/sbin
> | PATH: /usr/bin
> | PATH: /sbin
> | PATH: /bin
> | PATH: /usr/games
> | 
> | 
> | ## ----------- ##
> | ## Core tests. ##
> | ## ----------- ##
> | 
> | configure:2551: checking for a BSD-compatible install
> | configure:2619: result: /usr/bin/install -c
> | configure:2634: checking build system type
> | configure:2648: result: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
> | configure:2668: checking host system type
> | configure:2681: result: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
> | configure:2702: checking cached host tuple
> | configure:2710: result: ok
> | configure:3004: checking for gcc
> | configure:3020: found /usr/bin/gcc
> | configure:3031: result: gcc
> | configure:3260: checking for C compiler version
> | configure:3269: gcc --version >&5
> | gcc (Debian 4.7.1-2) 4.7.1
> | Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> | This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
> | 
> | configure:3280: $? = 0
> | configure:3269: gcc -v >&5
> | Using built-in specs.
> | COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER=/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.7/lto-wrapper
> | Target: x86_64-linux-gnu
> | Configured with: ../src/configure -v --with-pkgversion='Debian 4.7.1-2' 
> --with-bugurl=file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-4.7/README.Bugs 
> --enable-languages=c,c++,go,fortran,objc,obj-c++ --prefix=/usr 
> --program-suffix=-4.7 --enable-shared --enable-linker-build-id 
> --with-system-zlib --libexecdir=/usr/lib --without-included-gettext 
> --enable-threads=posix --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.7 
> --libdir=/usr/lib --enable-nls --with-sysroot=/ --enable-clocale=gnu 
> --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-libstdcxx-time=yes 
> --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-plugin --enable-objc-gc 
> --with-arch-32=i586 --with-tune=generic --enable-checking=release 
> --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --target=x86_64-linux-gnu
> | Thread model: posix
> | gcc version 4.7.1 (Debian 4.7.1-2) 
> | configure:3280: $? = 0
> | configure:3269: gcc -V >&5
> | gcc: error: unrecognized command line option '-V'
> | gcc: fatal error: no input files
> | compilation terminated.
> | configure:3280: $? = 4
> | configure:3269: gcc -qversion >&5
> | gcc: error: unrecognized command line option '-qversion'
> | gcc: fatal error: no input files
> | compilation terminated.
> | configure:3280: $? = 4
> | configure:3300: checking whether the C compiler works
> | configure:3322: gcc -g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 
> -Wformat -Werror=format-security -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 
> -Wl,-z,relro conftest.c  >&5
> | configure:3326: $? = 0
> | configure:3374: result: yes
> | configure:3377: checking for C compiler default output file name
> | configure:3379: result: a.out
> | configure:3385: checking for suffix of executables
> | configure:3392: gcc -o conftest -g -O2 -fstack-protector 
> --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security 
> -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wl,-z,relro conftest.c  >&5
> | configure:3396: $? = 0
> | configure:3418: result: 
> | configure:3440: checking whether we are cross compiling
> | configure:3448: gcc -o conftest -g -O2 -fstack-protector 
> --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security 
> -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wl,-z,relro conftest.c  >&5
> | configure:3452: $? = 0
> | configure:3459: ./conftest
> | configure:3463: $? = 0
> | configure:3478: result: no
> | configure:3483: checking for suffix of object files
> | configure:3505: gcc -c -g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 
> -Wformat -Werror=format-security -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 
> conftest.c >&5
> | configure:3509: $? = 0
> | configure:3530: result: o
> | configure:3534: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler
> | configure:3553: gcc -c -g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 
> -Wformat -Werror=format-security -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 
> conftest.c >&5
> | configure:3553: $? = 0
> | configure:3562: result: yes
> | configure:3571: checking whether gcc accepts -g
> | configure:3591: gcc -c -g -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 conftest.c >&5
> | configure:3591: $? = 0
> | configure:3632: result: yes
> | configure:3649: checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89
> | configure:3713: gcc  -c -g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 
> -Wformat -Werror=format-security -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 
> conftest.c >&5
> | configure:3713: $? = 0
> | configure:3726: result: none needed
> | configure:3751: checking how to run the C preprocessor
> | configure:3782: gcc -E -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 conftest.c
> | configure:3782: $? = 0
> | configure:3796: gcc -E -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 conftest.c
> | conftest.c:9:28: fatal error: ac_nonexistent.h: No such file or directory
> | compilation terminated.
> | configure:3796: $? = 1
> | configure: failed program was:
> | | /* confdefs.h */
> | | #define PACKAGE_NAME "tcsh"
> | | #define PACKAGE_TARNAME "tcsh"
> | | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "6.18.01"
> | | #define PACKAGE_STRING "tcsh 6.18.01"
> | | #define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "";
> | | #define PACKAGE_URL ""
> | | /* end confdefs.h.  */
> | | #include <ac_nonexistent.h>
> | configure:3821: result: gcc -E
> | configure:3841: gcc -E -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 conftest.c
> | configure:3841: $? = 0
> | configure:3855: gcc -E -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 conftest.c
> | conftest.c:9:28: fatal error: ac_nonexistent.h: No such file or directory
> | compilation terminated.
> | configure:3855: $? = 1
> | configure: failed program was:
> | | /* confdefs.h */
> | | #define PACKAGE_NAME "tcsh"
> | | #define PACKAGE_TARNAME "tcsh"
> | | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "6.18.01"
> | | #define PACKAGE_STRING "tcsh 6.18.01"
> | | #define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "";
> | | #define PACKAGE_URL ""
> | | /* end confdefs.h.  */
> | | #include <ac_nonexistent.h>
> | configure:3885: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e
> | configure:3943: result: /bin/grep
> | configure:3948: checking for egrep
> | configure:4010: result: /bin/grep -E
> | configure:4016: checking whether gcc needs -traditional
> | configure:4050: result: no
> | configure:4060: checking for gencat
> | configure:4078: found /usr/bin/gencat
> | configure:4090: result: /usr/bin/gencat
> | configure:4111: checking for library containing crypt
> | configure:4142: gcc -o conftest -g -O2 -fstack-protector 
> --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Werror=format-security 
> -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wl,-z,relro conftest.c  >&5
> | /tmp/ccLMkb1u.o: In function `main':
> | /«PKGBUILDDIR»/conftest.c:20: undefined reference to `crypt'
> | collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

The full build log is available from:

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at . You're welcome to contribute!

About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on EC2 VM instances from
Amazon Web Services, using a clean, minimal and up-to-date chroot. Every
failed build was retried once to eliminate random failures.

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