package logcheck
tags 333456 pending

Hi there

On Tue, 2005-10-11 at 19:56 -0400, toby cabot wrote:
> Hi, thanks for maintaining logcheck, it works quite well.  I run a
> small network with some diskless nodes.  When they boot, they download
> their kernels from TFTP.  Typically, I'll get two messages from
> logcheck; one when the client connects, and one when they download a
> file, e.g:

I've added the following rules to logcheck based on the log messages you

^\w{3} [ :0-9]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+ in.tftpd\[[0-9]+\]: connect from
[._[:alnum:]-]+ \([.[:digit:]]+\)$
^\w{3} [ :0-9]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+ tftpd\[[0-9]+\]: tftpd: trying to get
file: [^[:space:]]+$

They'll be included in the next release. In future, if you make local
additions to the logcheck rules you should prefix the filename with
'local-' to ensure they are not overwritten when upgrading.

Thanks for your bug report,

-Jamie L. Penman-Smithson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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