Quoting Jamie Heilman (ja...@audible.transient.net):
> Christian PERRIER wrote:
> > 
> > This is a design choice.
> Fine, but it's a SHIT design choice, and whomever is responsible should
> be ashamed.

Thanks you for your compliments to D-I developers. They appreciated at
their whole extent.

Particularly the person who I worked with on this, went into a lot of
details about the best way to implement these things without being too
confusing to users....and who passed two years ago. I think he would
certainly be very happy to see how well his work (and mine) is
appreciated. Actually, it is, as 99.9% of our users are happy with
that design choice..:-)

> > Localechooser makes it very clear that the country location impacts
> > the timezone choices (at least as clear as one can be in a two
> > sentences screen). 
> Sure, I don't debate that, but I heartly debate the utility of forcing
> me to lie and say my server is in London just to set the #@!$ing
> timezone to UTC.  Just as forcing the user to set their location to
> Asia/Japan to set their locale to ja_JP.whatever would be stupid,
> forcing the user to set system location to somewhere where the system
> isn't to achieve the desired timezone is equally stupid.

You don't have to say your server is in Japan to get a ja_JP
locale. Please better choose your arguments. This one is wrong. Ask
Japanese users.

> > If you want to use a given timezone, then choose the appropriate
> > country in localechooser. This is meant for that purpose.
> That's inane, and unless I've totally forgotten the logic flow of
> previous installations (ISTR being able to actually choose my timezone
> from a list in previous Debian releases), it's a sad regression.

It is not. Nothing changed about this since woody.

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