Package: debian-handbook
Version: 6.0+20120509
Severity: minor

Hello Raphaƫl,
I've just finished reading chapters 15 and 16: I am here sending my usual
list of corrections and improvements.

Section 15.2.1. Meta-Packages or Fake Packages

Typo?    s/the name and the maintainer/the name of the maintainer/

Typo?    s/in a Debian packages/in Debian packages/

Section 15.2.2. Simple File Archive

Typo?   s/The Makefile files describes/The Makefile file describes/

Section 15.4.2. Acceptance Process [and following sections]

The "new maintainer process" is now called the "new member process".
I think that the sections that mention this process should be
updated accordingly...

Section 16.1. Upcoming Developments

| a 3.x version of GNOME, which brings a deep and promising change
| in the usual graphical desktop paradigm.

Taking into account the huge amount of criticism that GNOME 3.x
received, I would suggest a more cautious phrasing, that avoids
positive (or negative) opinions on this change.
The change is deep, no doubt about it, but I would avoid labelling
it as "promising":   s/deep and promising/deep/

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