tags 647843 patch

I have prepared another package of mediathekview 3.0. This is the latest
release. In fact it is almost a new package because a lot of source code
has changed and i've also updated the packaging style.

Changelog so far which is based on the assumption that 2.6 would be
uploaded to Testing.

mediathekview (3.0.0-1.1) experimental; urgency=low

  * Non-maintainer upload
  * New upstream release (Closes: #647843)
  * debian/control:
    - new dependency libcommons-lang3-java which replaces
    - removed dependency on librome-java because upstream discontinued
the support for podcasts.
    - now upstream requirement for the build system is Ant >=1.8.0
  * debian/rules:
    - changed the CLASSPATH in line with the changes to debian/control.
  * Ant build system:
    - switched to the new Ant build system provided by upstream.
    - replaced add-ant-build-xml.patch with
01_modify_ant_build_system.patch which adjusts the CLASSPATH environment.
  * Updated the manpage and removed entries for options which are
unsupported at the moment.
  * Updated README.source and described the steps to obtain the upstream

You can download the source package from my personal ftp server:

dget -x

or download the binary here



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