reassign 672140 debian-installer
retitle 672140 sudo users should be in sudo group


Going through the RC bug list for wheezy, I noticed this bug.

On Tue, May 08, 2012 at 10:39:03PM +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
> > If there is some setting we can make in d-i to new installs to make
> > policykit use sudo, please let me know, and I will make it. It wouldn't
> > solve the problem when upgrading existing installs that use sudo, but
> > it'd be better than nothing.
> Adding a user to group sudo should be sufficient to mark it as account
> with admin privileges, i.e. a d-i setup which adds the user to group
> sudo (which is the case for a password-less root-account) should work ootb.

As Michael provided the information to implement this in d-i (which Joey asked
for), this bug should be reassigned to d-i.


Ivo De Decker

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