On Tue, Oct 11, 2005 at 11:40:38PM +0200, Samuel Mimram wrote:
> % linphonec
> Ready.
> ' : Cannot understand this.

Your terminal ate part of the weird characters.

Run it in "script".

I've attached my run from inside script to this mail.

(The "ESC [ ." and "^M" are terminal control charachters.)

> It would be nice if it exited the program though (may I downgrade this 
> bug to wishlist?).

Well, I presume, there's some memory corruption going on,
or so. So I would not like wishlist. I could accept minor.

Rivendell:~% linphonec

linphonec> 'ºøÿ¿„Æy
' : Cannot understand this.
linphonec> quit


Script done on Wed Oct 12 12:29:01 2005

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