Package: gle-graphics
Version: 4.2.4c-3
Severity: wishlist
Tags: l10n

Dear Maintainer,
I believe that the package description (1) will benefit from a rewrite:

   Description: Interactive Graphics Language Editor

The short description is outdated - upstream (2) now calls it Graphics Layout

    GLE  is  a  high  quality  graphics  package for scientists,
    combining  a  user  friendly  interface with a full range of
    facilities    for   producing  publication  quality  graphs,
    diagrams, posters and slides.
    GLE  provides LaTeX quality fonts together with a flexible
    graphics  module  which  allows  the  user  to  specify  any
    feature  of a graph (down to the line width of the subticks,
    for example)

At first glance I didn't understand whether it uses just LaTeX
fonts or LaTeX itself.
    Complex  pictures can be drawn with user defined subroutines
    and simple looping structures.
    Current  device  drivers support DECWINDOWS, REGIS, TEK4010,
    all  PC  graphics  cards,  VT100s,  HP-Plotters,  PostScript
    Printers, EPSON Printers and LaserJet Printers.
    GLE  runs  on  both  VAXes and PCs, giving an identical user
    interface on both platforms.

I suggest to skip the last two paragraphs or to skip the last paragraph and
rewrite the preceding one. Talking about VAXes and VT100s could make people
think that the software is quite dated. Obviously it is actively maintained.

In general the formatting has the charme of man output.

Please consider my proposol (LaTeX clarified, DEC hardware references removed)
as a starting point for a new description.

   Description: Graphics Layout Engine
    GLE is a high quality graphics package for scientists, combining
    a user friendly interface with a full range of facilities for
    producing publication quality graphs, diagrams, posters and slides.
    GLE uses LaTeX together with a flexible graphics module which enables
    the user to specify any feature of a graph (e.g., down to the line
    width of the subticks).
    Complex pictures can be drawn with user defined subroutines and
    simple looping structures.
    Current device drivers support REGIS, TEK4010, all PC graphics
    cards, HP-Plotters, PostScript Printers, EPSON Printers and
    LaserJet Printers.

"all PC graphics cards" seems still bold to me.

Kind regards,

Kind regards

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