Package: wnpp
Severity: normal


I have prepared a package for zalign

Description: parallel local alignment of biological sequences
 zAlign is a local sequence aligner, especially intended for use with
 large biological DNA sequences, with more than 1Mbp (Millions of base
 pairs). It uses the Smith-Waterman exact algorithm with affine gap cost
 function to perform this task.
 zAlign can be used both in distributed (clusters, for
 example) or standalone environments. Currently it has
 been tested on Linux and Sun Solaris, using both the MPICH
 ( and OpenMPI
 ( implementations. Ports for other Unix-like
 environments are highly considered.

in some still rudimentary way, just for local needs. If anybody felt
like improving packaging so it can be uploaded to the distribution,
this would be excellent. I am around for mentoring. Build instructions
are placed with Debian Med at

Many thanks and kind regards,


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