Tomas Pospisek wrote:
> Package: pgadmin3
> Version: 1.2.2-1
> Severity: wishlist
> ... in order to know what's changed/new and why to upgrade...
> Thanks,
> *t

Hi Tomas,
are you talking about this one:

or did I miss a file while packaging?
Where would you like it to appear? In the NEWS.Debian.gz?

After some grep+sed here is what I can rapidly extract from the URL
mentionned above for the 1.2.2 and its beta:
2005-05-10 HS  1.2.2 Display comments on contraints properly
2005-04-01 DP  1.2.2 Fix changing of view ownership
2004-09-18 DP  1.2B2 Prevent dropped servers reappearing after View
System Objects change.
2004-09-17 AP  1.2B2 GRANT for functions in reengineered SQL window
2004-09-17 AP  1.2B2 Fix Database creation for 7.3/7.4 (r: Jona)
2004-09-16 AP  1.2B2 resources: use wxID_xxx IDs to enable GTK
2004-09-16 AP  1.2B2 resources: use 12d height for comboboxes (GTK
positioning issue)
2004-09-16 AP  1.2B2 rewrite of properties actions
2004-09-16 DP  1.2B2 mask passwords on dlgServer [Ivan Nejgebauer]
2004-09-15 DP  1.2B2 fix function return type quoting
2004-09-10 AP  1.2B2 fix GrantWizard for sequence and view
2004-09-10 AP  1.2B2 fix type quoting
2004-09-08 AP  1.2B2 fix OnAdd server property positioning

Not sure that it is of a real help for endusers. What do you think about it?


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