On Tue, 11 Oct 2005 10:52:32 +0200 Loïc Minier wrote:

>         Hi,
>  I see you're using the sarge version of Galeon.

Yes, I'm using a pure stable.

>  Sadly, the stable
>  version of Galeon can not be updated except for security bugs, or
>  very important bugs (data loss), and this doesn't apply to "crashes
>  for a specific web site".

That's true, I know.

> > * The crash does _not_ show up with Galeon on another Debian sarge
> > machine
> >   (can't understand why)
>  That's really strange.  What you can compare is:
>  - installed packages (dpkg --get-selections), especially Mozilla
>    plugins, such as swfdec, or libflash, or real player...

Your suggestion made me think it could be swf-player's fault.
I had installed it (on the machine where Galeon now crashes), found
out that it does not work, filed a bug report (#319630) and
then forgot about it while waiting for a reply from swf-player package

Now I removed and purged swf-player and all the dependencies that are
not useful for any other installed package.
But the crash still shows up.

So it's not swf-player's fault, I would say.

Anyway, installed package lists are fairly different between the two
Nonetheless, no difference concerns the packages listed in the
Recommends: and Suggests: field of the galeon package...

If you need a diff between the two dpkg --get-selections output, let me

>  - hardware

Hardware is really different, as well.
Do you need detailed hardware component lists?

>  - configuration (you tested with a new user on both machines?)

Yes, I tested with a newly created user on both machines and the results
are consistent with the ones I got with old users...
Galeon consistently crashes on one machine, but not on the other.

>  Installed plugins are visible in "about:plugins".

Installed plugins seem to be exactly the same (now).
"about:plugins" shows libnullplugin.so and libmozsvgdec.so (on both

> > * I don't know if this is also a security issue (please bring this
> > bug to
> >   the attention of the Debian security team and raise the severity
> >   if this is the case!)
>  Well, it might.  It's a bit hard to say.
>  Since I can not reproduce the bug, and since you proved the bug does
>  not happen on certain machine, I'd say no.
>  I also saw your backtrace, but it's incomplete and unsable.  It would
>  be best if you could rebuild Galeon following:
>     <http://wiki.debian.org/?HowToGetABacktrace>

ok, I'll try hard to find the time to do this...

>  In short:
>  - please try with Galeon from testing, or better: from unstable, and
>    with mozilla 1.7.12 (currently in unstable), and report whether
>    that fixes the problem

This is problematic, as I'm a Debian stable user and would rather avoid
installing packages from testing or unstable (with all their

>  - find out why it happens on only one of your machines with the
>    informations I pointed out

That's a real puzzle! :-(

>  - get a better stacktrace with debugging symbols and the place where
>  it crashes

Work in progress...  ;-)

    :-(   This Universe is buggy! Where's the Creator's BTS?   ;-)
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